[World War I] Series of 29 letters in pen and ink
Written by "uw aller liefhebbende Johan" [de Schmidt?] to "Lieve allemaal", "Lieve ouders, broers, zusjes en vrienden" etc. (in Sas van Gent), dated "Vlissingen, 23 Jan 1914" to "Vlissingen, 2 December 1916" and "Groningen 8 Feb. 1917" to "Groningen 15 Maart 1918" (also incl. undated letters without mentioning place), nearly all of them illustrated with nice, humorous drawings in pen, various sizes.
Loving, humorous letters, mentioning the war occasionally, but generally about his studies and music (he plays the violin) and occas. on photography, apparently a hobby of his. In his letter of 26 June 1916, he mentions a visit to a printer where a publication illustrated with photographs is about to be printed: "We hebben de drukkerij met zijn letterkasten, bakken, matrijzen en persen gezien. De cliché's van de foto's is iets buitengewoon fijns. Verscheidene bladzijden waren al gezet, Het geheel wordt 16 bladzijden. Op de eerste bladzij komt Jan's foto van den ingang der fabriek met verpleegsters en vluchtelingen.(...) Het belooft allerprachtigst te worden, maar die foto's maken de zaak nogal duur." With: 9 photographic picture postcards depicting soldiers (group photographs and in action), addressed to members of the family De Schmidt (mainly J. de Schmidt) in Sas van Gent, and a sketchbook w. ca. 40 drawings in black crayon (mainly landscapes). (total 39)