[France] Raoul Boutrays and Peter Matthieu. Historiopolitographia
sive opus historicopoliticum duorum praeclarissimorum huius aetatis historicorum (...) in quo res toto pene orbe hisce proximis annis gestae, (...). Frankfurt, Matthias Beckeri for Ioannis Theobaldi Schönvvetteri, 1610. 2 (of 3) parts in 1 vol. (16),352,149 p. Orig. limp overlapping vellum, blindst. double filet panel on boards, sprinkled edges in red and blue, ms. title on spine. Title-p. w. woodcut printer's device, initials and head- and tailpieces. Manuscript annotation on 1st title-p., dated 1 July, 1656, Magdenburg. Lower margin of title-p. w. annotation partly cut off, orig. w. closing ties, lacking books 6 and 7.
Important and rare work on the history of France, 1594-1610 (this vol. ends at 1602).