[Netherlands] Eleutherophilos (P.H.A.J. Strick van Linschoten). Vertraute Briefe während
eines Durchflugs durch einen Theil der nördlichen Provinzen des Königreichs der Niederlände im Sommer des Jahrs 1817. Germania (Mannheim), n.publ., 1818. 3 vols. 8vo. Contemp. unif. hleather, gilt spine w. 2 mor. letterpieces. 3 engr. title-p., 3 fold. tables vol. 3.
Letters dated July-Oct. 1817, when the author travelled to the Dutch provinces of Holland, Utrecht, and Gelderland. The books provide an interesting account of the history, administration, trade, culture, religion, transport, etc., of the regions. Ex libris upper pastedown 1st vol., some marginalia on title-p. and lower pastedowns. Covers sl. worn, sm. pieces cut from engr. title-p. (not affecting text), mild foxing. (total 3)