Zeldzame en merkwaardige reizen, van mejuffrouwe Angelica Corradini
door Duitsland, Holland, Engeland, en Vrankryk. Vervattende veele koddige voorvallen, raare ontmoetingen, vermaakelyke discourssen, en geestige aanmerkingen. Volgens 't oorspronglyk handschrift, uit het Italiaansche vertaalt. Den tweeden druk. Dordr./ Middelb./ Vliss. (and 12 more Dutch cities) "en by alle boekverkopers in de Steeden", n.d. (ca. 1731), 2 parts in 1 vol., (8),172; (3),176-308,(4) p., w. 21 engr. plates, 19th cent. hcl., sm. 8vo.
One plate dam. in upper inner corner, several plates loose; waterst. W. bookplate of C.G. Smit on upper pastedown. Extremely rare edition, no other copies traced, so also no copies in NCC according to WorldCat and KvK. NCC lists a single edition published in Amsterdam by Willem van Egmont, 1731 (also very rare). The exaggerated amount of places and names where the book was supposed to be available, suggests that this is a pirated edition. The nice plates, showing Corradini's adventures in the various countries, are partly erotic in nature.