Archive of Antonius Hypolitus Fournier (1871-1913) and Akke Sietsma (1871-1942)
Comprising official letterpress extracts filled-out in pen, of their births (Uithoorn and Leeuwarden), their marriage, her pension after his early death, 9 letterpress certificates of competence for various degrees as schoolteacher, filled out in pen to Antonius Fournier dated 1892-1912, (love) letters, mourning-cards (incl. for Anton H. Fournier "in leven Hoofd der School M.U.L.O. te Dokkum"), a list of grades of Anton Fournier from his school in Semarang (1885), invoices, quittances, photographs, etc.
The archive also contains seemingly unrelated material, such as the passports of Gatsche van Dijk and her husband Hendrikus Munnik (both issued in 1941) and some other wartime items concerning both men, a few "Sinterklaas" items, as well as 2 small photo-albums composed by Ir. L. Kooreman and his wife. One of these concerns an excursion by the Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs Afdeling Palembang, "Excursie naar het S.V.P.N. Boorterrein Pendopo" (19 and 20 November 1949), the other with label "Sorong-Monotai Mrt., April-Sept. '48". Also worth mentioning is a notebook with handwritten copies of letters dated 5 Februari 1943 to 17 October 1945, composed by Johan Arnold van Arkel (born on 4 January 1878), concerning his evacuation from The Hague.