[Physiognomy] Jean Gaspard Lavater. Essai sur la Physignomonie,
destiné à faire connaître l’Homme et à le faire aimer. La Haye, (Jacques Van Karnebeek), (1781)-86. 3 (of 4) vols. 3 title-p. engr., heavily ill. text w. 143 (of 145) engr. plates (all engr. vol. 1 lined verso w. linen), num. in-text engr. Later unif. cl. w. mor letterpieces, 4to.
Ex libris on upper pastedown and library stamp on title-p. vol. 1, shelf-numbers on spines. Worn copy, w. num. repaired tears, occas. (water)st., foxing. The 4th vol. was publ. much later, in 1803. (total 3)