Willem Sandberg (1897-1984). Eleven publications: (1-2) Open oog. Avantgardecahier 1-2
Ed. W. Brusse, Jaffé, Kloos, Rietveld, Sandberg and M. Stam. Rott., W.L. and J. Brusse, 1946/ n.d., 2 vols., (24); 32p. w. text in Dutch, French and English, (full-p.) ills. by G. Braque, Le Corbusier a.o., orig. wr. design by W. Sandberg, 4to. Both vols. wr. faded/ discol. along edges. All published. (3) Ptt 71. Publiek communicatie publiek. The Hague, printed by Staatsdrukkerij for Staatsbedrijf der ptt, 1972, 4 vols., typography, layout and orig. wr. des. by W. Sandberg and P.C. Cossee, together in orig. portfolio, sm. folio. Comprises: Jaarverslag 1971 ptt (77 p.), Jaarverslag Rijkspostspaarbank 1971 (35 p.), Verslag ptt-raad 1971, (7 p.) and Overzicht per 1 juni 1972 belangrijkste leidinggevende functionarissen van de ptt. Portfolio w. minimal defects. Very rare. (4) Le Corbusier. Vers une architecture. Extraits. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1971, printed in 175 numb. copies (this copy "ex. hors série CL", 63 p., ills., typography and orig. wr. by W. Sandberg. Wr. a bit nibbled by silverfish and sunned at/ near spine. (5) Ulrich Serbser. Portrait des Artisten. Essay vom Widerspruch zwischen der Bildungsform und Abbildungsweise des Künstlers. Cologne, Galerie Der Spiegel, n.d., printed in 305 numb. copies (250), 34,(1) p. with concrete poetry, bound as a blockbook, orig. by W. Sandberg (fine copy).
-and 6 others, incl. Experimenta typographica 4 and 11 and Piet Zwart. Sleutelwoorden. Keywords. (total 14 in 11 vols.)