Manuscript with Dutch meteorological annotations, 1817-62
Manuscript containing 62 pages of annotations in pen on weather conditions between 1817 and 1862, on lvs. bound with/ between Van Zwaamen en Thompson's Almanak, op 't jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1817, Rott., J.J. Thompson, (1816), 24 p., partly printed in red and black, contemp. hroan, 12mo.
The booklet also contains many blank lvs. A very nice and specific source on the weather conditions in the Netherlands in the mentioned period. The almanac has 11 (of 12, lacking December) printed pages listing the days of the months, the pages are juxtaposed with short annotations in pen for every day, also for December. A few examples: 15 Febr. "Zware wind. 's nagts st. reg. hagel, onweer en weerlicht". 22 March. "'s nagts vorst en sneeüw, gedurende den dagmooy koud weer tusschen beide zonneschijn". 7 June. "Mooy warm weer. 's nagts weerlicht donder en zware reegen". 31 Dec. "Betrokken en reegenachtig, 's avonds sterke mist, 's nagts een weinig vorst". The annotations on the following years are far more detailed (also incl. some information on the years 1656 and 1792, crossed through in pencil). Some examples: "Den 22 December 1818 heeft men te Leyden en Amsterdam reeds om 5 uur, en te Haarlem omstreeks half zeeven uur des avonds een zeer zware mist gehad. Te Amsterdam werden overal touwen gespannenen fakkels en flambouwen stondenoveral te branden. Te Haarlem moest ieder ingezeetenop last van burgemeesterenzijne huize verlichten en niettegenstaande alle voorzorgen zijn er noch veele ongelukken gebeurt." "Amsterdam 16 Januarij [1820]. De grootste koude in de afgelopen week is alhier geweest van 7 graden op de schaal van Fahrenheit." (almost minus 14 degrees Celsius). That day in Utrecht, the lowest temperature was 0 degrees Fahrenheit (almost minus 18 degrees Celcius). For the year 1839, the author lists the "Stand des thermometers buiten Haarlem, [and] op Halweg [sic]" for every morning and evening from 7 January up to 19 February. For several years, the author lists the exact amounts that public collecting reached, after disastrous weather conditions in specific areas of the Netherlands.