Posters. Seventeen works: (1) Frick, R. Das trikontinentale Solidaritätsplakat
The Tricontinental Solidarity Poster. Bern, comedia-Verlag, 2003. Hc w. dust-j. (2) Lüönd, K. and C. Leupin. Herbert Leupin. Plakate Bilder Graphiken. Berlin, Reinhardt, 1995. 316 p. Hc w. dust-j. (3) Lichtenstein Posters. Munich, Prestel, 2013. Both hc and sc eds. (4) Thomas, M.S. Living for Posters. Gielijn Escher. Amst., Buitenkant, 2012. 192 p. Hc. -and 1 other work on Escher. (5) Frans Mettes affichevirtuoos 1909-1984. Ibid., idem, 2012. 143 p. Hc. -and 10 others.
(total 17)