[Floods] Bespiegeling over Neerlandsch Waternood
tusschen den 14den en 15den nov. 1775, by J. H. Hering. Amsterdam We. Loveringh and Allart, 1776. (3,XVI, 38, 245 (3) pp. Includes 6 folding copper engravings + viii, 335 pp. includes 4 folding illustrations/tables
The catastrophes depicted in vol. 1 are 1 Kattenburgerplein, Amsterdam, Oosthuizen near Warder, the Sluits in Delfshaven, 't Bergsche veld, Heusden, Scheveningen, Texel and the Koekkoek near Kampen. Vol. 2 Illustration showing Zeedijken East and West Zaandam, Jacob Oostwoud, map of Sluis Delfshaven, and 2 others. Two volumes in 1 binding. Bound with marbled paper sides and title vignette on the back.