[Fortification] Martius, G.C. (= G.C. Stahl). (Neu-auffgeführter Europaeischer Ingenieur,
oder Kriegs-Bau-Kunst, wie solche mit allem was dazu erfordert wird, in Europa üblich ist). Part III with separate title-p.: Des Europaeischen Ingenieurs. Dritte Haupt-Abtheilung, bestehend in einem vollständigen Unterricht von der Fortification selbst (...). Probably the 2nd ed., Nuremburg, Riegel, 1695/96, 302 p., w. 55 engr. plates, contemp. overlapping vellum, oblong 8vo. The third part only, but apparently with all the plates for the three parts together; occas. waterst., more or less browned throughout. Vellum of covers nibbled by rodents in lower margin, spine lacks letterpiece. Still a good copy. The first edition appeared in 1687, the third in 1719, both w. typographically sl. different divisional title of the third part compared to our volume. All editions are very rare.