[Ordinances etc.] Recueil van verscheyde placaten (...) betreffende de saecken van den oorlogh,
te water en te lande. The Hague, J. Scheltus, n.d. (1688), 79 parts in 1 vol. (numb. by hand, following the index at the beginning) ca. 600 p. and 16 (large) fold. lvs printed on 1 side only (1x torn), contemp. vellum w. leather ties, 4to. Partly waterst., covers stained. Good copy. Rare and interesting collection of military placards and ordinances from 1590 to 1688, the older ones mostly in renewed editions (the oldest dated 1599, the newest dated 1688). A number of editions under this exact name are known, all updated/ expanded compared to earlier editions, the first edition appeared in 1675 (72 parts).