[Gastronomy] Manuscript recipe book
Belgium, ca. 1870-1900, text in French, approx. 60 pages (and many blank lvs.), and w. a number of loosely inserted recipes, contemp. hcl, 4to. Recipes such as "Viandes", "Pain de viande", "Cotelettes de Cherenil", "Cunbale Molinière (hotel de Flandre)", Pate pour vol au vent", "Cotelettes de mouton truffiées", "Pouding à la Reine" and "Beignets de pomme". -with approx. 50 loose recipes from the same period.
In poor condition, partly waterst./ mouldy/ frayed, covers loose and dam./ incomplete. Sold w.a.f., not subject to return. Despite the defects a nice cookbook.