[Mathematics] Marolois, Samuelis. Opus Mathematicum
Anthology in one volume w. 7 parts in 3 works. Sm. folio, rebound in older overlapping vellum, orig. spine reused, new endpapers. (1) Opticae sive Perspective, pars prima [-quarto]. Amst., J. Janssonius, 1633. 50 p. Title vignette, 80 double-p. engr. copper plates (8 signed in the plate by H. Hondius). (2) Perspectiva theoretica ac practica. Hoc est Opus Opticum Absolutissimum. Hans Vredeman de Vries. Ed. by S. Marolois. Ibid., idem, 1632-1633. 24 p. 2 title vignettes, 73 double-p. engr. copper plates. Plate 33 and 34 on one copper plate, plate 24 of second part rebacked and repaired. (3) Geometria theoretica ac practica. Samuel Marolois. Ed. by A. Gerard. Ibid., idem, 1633. 51 p. Title vignette, 47 double-p. engr. copper plates, of which a few browned.
Splendid series of 200 plates in total, illustrating perspective, optics, architectural motifs and techniques. Rare.