
LOT 214
SOLD €1600,00

[Heraldry] Scohier, J. L'estat et comportement des armes

Livre autant util, que necessaire a tous gentilshommes et officiers d'armes. Brussels, J. Mommart, 1597. 1st ed. (12),88(=108, some printer's mispaginations) p. Printer's device on title p. and last p., ill. w. num. woodcut coats of arms and genealogical tables, most w. cont. handcol. and w. gold leaf. Cont. marbled calf (corners worn). 4to.

Ex libris upper pastedown. A few lvs w. sm. (marginal) wormholes, some (marginal) browning. Rare treatise on heraldry.

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