[Incunabula] Cadrat, Pierre. Oratio Reverendi
(Ch)r(ist)o patris (Ac) d(omi)ni d(omi)ni Petri Cadrati Ep(iscop) Antiacen(i) ex urbe Biturica oriu(n)di oratoris christianissimi Fra(n)corum regis: as Sanctissimum(m) d(omi)n(u)m nostru(m) d(omi)n(u)m Innocentium Papam Octavu(m), (5) p. Followed by: Chinucci, Andreoccio. Oratio R(evere)ndi d(omi)ni A. de Shinucciis Ep(iscop)i Suanen(sis) ad Sa(n)ctissimu(m) d(omi)n(u)m Innocentiu(m) papa(m).viii.pro republica Senen(si), (2) p. Rome, Stephan Plannck (or Planck), after 1485, total 4 lvs (7 p.), 20th cent. boards, sm. 4to.
Old numbering of the lvs in pen, some old annotations and underlining, some spotting. Pellechet, 3136; Hain, 4211; Goff C-15; D. Hillard, Discours et sermons imprimés à Rome à la fin du XVe siècle à travers deux recueils de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France. In Bulletin du Bibliophile, 2001, p. 36-57. Extremely rare first and only editions of two speeches concerning the elevation of pope Innocentius VIII, on 29 August 1484, only 1 copy in libraries worldwide (Bibliothèque Nationale de France). With the first speech the bishop of Angers, Pierre Cadrat, showed his loyalty to Charles VIII, King of France, but at the same time urged the king to eradicate the Turkish danger by military force. The printer Plannck started his own printing office in 1478, after having worked for Ulrich Han. He was the most prolific Roman printer at the time. Provenance: From the famous library of Carrie Estelle Doheny (1875-1958), w. her gilt leather bookplate on inside front cover; she bought the booklet from Dawson's Bookshop, Los Angeles. And from the library of Wicher Smit (with his bookplate). Also sold by Christie's on 14 Dec. 2001, and sold by Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Rare Books at one time.