[Maritime history] Small archive concerning a dispute on overdue shipping payments by the King of Spain
A total of 28 manuscript documents, Dutch and Spanish language, 1686-1832, var. sizes. The archive incl. a document dated Amsterdam, 1832, that provides some insight into the complex matter, as it was written by a lawyer acting as spokesman for the Stochius and Van Reenen families, heirs through the sisters of Martin Regulus Zaunschliffer (who died childless). It mentions the transfer of a certain large amount of money by Theodora and Thomas de Dunslague to Martin Regulus in 1689, officially documented in several other manuscripts in the lot. The Stochius and Van Reenen families, as late as 1832, were still claiming payments overdue since the late 17th century from the King of Spain. The lawyer claims that 3 kinds of evidence will have to be presented, to make the claim successful: First, proof that Martin Regulus and Martin Zaunschliffer are one in the same person. Second, proof in the shape of a testament or warranted copy that Martin Zaunschliffer appointed the children of his two sisters as heirs. And finally, a warranted genealogy of the Stochius and Van Reenen families. The original, disputed payments apparently concern ships ('Onbetaald van de West-Indica gekeert') and trade (Panama, 'in the province of Tierra Firma'). Documents (incl. manuscript copies) in the lot mention Valentin Perez de Dunslague (1630-1680, born in Ghent, Belgium), who was Spanish Royal Secretary and who played an important role for the Spanish royal armada. An amount recurring in a number of the documents is 55849 ducats.
(total 28)