[South America. Brazil] Rodriguez, E. Atlante della guida generale per la navigazione delle coste
settentrionali ed orientali dell America de Sud dal Rio dellla Plata al Parà accompagnata dalle carte degli atteraggi e dalle piante delle baie, rade, porti, ed entrate de' principali fiumi navigabili, dalle carte generali della coste del Brasil tra Maranham ed il Capo Nord, della Riviera del Parà e de' suoi ancoraggi e dell' arcipelago delle Azore. Riprodotte del Barone Roussin. Naples, (Dalla Reale Tipografia Militare), 1857, w. the following lithographs: title-p. and index listing 32 maps and views, 22 (large) fold. maps (incl. map of the coast of Brazil in 4 parts), 6 full-p. maps, 1 double-p. view and 6 full-p. views, modern hleather, large folio. Atlas only, without the text vols. Restored copy, w. several repaired tears, map of Santa Catharina creased and w. repaired tears on folds (on thinner paper, perhaps from another copy).
Borba de Moraes 743; Phillips 3953. Rare. Maritime atlas of the coast between Rio de la Plata and Recife, Brazil, mainly based on charts made by Roussin, Dixon, Tardy de Montravel and others, but mostly on the work of Roussin, commander of the Hydrographic expedition in 1819-1820, the text first published in France in 1827 (Borba de Moraes).