[Alexander Ver Huell] Hulstloover. Teekeningen van A.v.H.
No place, publisher and year (printed by J.F. Brugman, 1870), "Niet in den handel", with lithographed title page by C.C.A. Last and 6 steel-engraved plates by C.L. van Kesteren and D.J. Sluijter in the style of Alexander Ver Huell, separately published in original cover with printed table of context, in half cloth portfolio with original illustration (7 x 10 cm.) on front plate, oblong folio (33 x 45 cm.).
All sheetsfoxed, most sheets slightly worn on the edges, cover split on back and portfolio with small defects.
Gouda Quint 84 ("in cartonnen omslag, waarop een in kleuren getekend hulsttakje met bessen"); Dyserinck p. 77-78. One of the rarest publications by Ver Huell, with the following handwritten text below the table of contents: "Dit Cahier, voor het publiek bestemd, had reeds meer dan een half jaar geleeden, in 't licht moeten komen. Arnhem, 24 Mei 1870 [gesigneerd:] A. Ver Huell." Another copy traced by us had a slightly differing text.