[Alexander Ver Huell] Uit het verleden
No place, publisher and year (printed at M. Bos & Co, Arnhem), 1864-1866, lithographed title and 17 (of 19) plates, separately published in original portfolio with (damaged) long-stitch binding, large folio (55 x 35 cm.).
Two plates are missing. Some plates are somewhat foxed and paper on plates damaged.
Gouda Quint 82 ("niet in den handel en slechts in 25 exemplaren gedrukt"); Dyserinck p. 77.
All plates signed and dated in pen, excepting two all plates also have a (sometimes very extensive) caption and/or title in pen or pencil. The title, for instance: "Panne-schetsen op steen geteekend door A. Ver Huell. Van elke plaat zijn 25 exemplaren getrokken, waarna de steen is afgeslepen. Gedrukt bij M. Bos en Co. te Arnhem". Plate 5 "Spa voor 1860" consists of 17 smaller illustrations, each of which are accompanied by explanation in pen. The front of the portfolio has a large original drawing in pen and the same details regarding publication as the title page. On the rear side, the portfolio has a smaller drawing titled "Panne-schetsen". Alexander Ver Huell crafted the entire circulation of 25 copies in this manner, according to another - far less complete - copy we have traced. According to the Gouda Quint list, our copy is only missing plates 9 and 12.