[Chess] Schachia M. Hieronymi Vidae [Marco Girolamo Vida]
Cremonensis, Poetae ve nustissimi, Ludus ingenii, virtutis et honestae voluptatis apprimeq; cum heroicae tum literariae cohorti conveniens, notis quibusda & certis illustratus [..] usu origine et autore, nec non latrunculis (...) opera & studio Lucae Wielii Ligio-Silesia [Liegnitz-Polen], Argentinae [Strassburg], [1604].
12mo., leather, title wiht vignette (2 parts in one volume, (74),77 pp., incomplete but very rare, leaf E1 and the first pp. of Ludus Latrunculorum missing. Folding table in part 1 with explanation of the pieces; second part with an illustration of a chess board with numbering. The first part in Latin with incidental Greek additions; second part in German and partially with Latin texts with a translation into German. Waterstains in front, somewhat loose in binding. The KB (Royal Library) in The Hague only has a copy of the first (separate) part. Unusual work. Rare.