[Medicine] Magni Hippocratis Medicorum Omnium Facile Principis,
Opera Omnia quae extant in VIII sectiones Erotiani mente distributa. Nunc recens Latina Interpretatione & Annotationibus illustrata, Anutio Foesio Mediomatrico Medico Authore (...) Francofurti, Andreae Wecheli heredes, Claud. Marnium & Ioan. Aubrium, 1595.
Sm. folio, leather, title with vignette, (18),50,232,158,145,(1) pp., wrong pagination but complete. The first part (of 2) with 4 (of 8) sections, title page reinforced. Greek and Latin text, var. contemporary annotations in hw in ink. The first edition of Anutius Foesius' critical edition of the complete works of Hippocrates was seen as the best translation of its time. Beautifully designed typography of the Greek and Latin text.