[Japan] Fransiscus Xaverius
Antwerp, Apud Iacobvm Mevrsivm Jacobus Meurs, 1658. [30], 265, [3] pp. 8vo. In vellum. Copper engr. Franciscus Xaverius by Fred. Bouttats. Fine copy.
Xaverius was ordered by Ignatius, at the request of the king and pope Paulus III, to evangelize Indonesia. He left for Lisbon in 1540, travelled East and performed church and missionary work in various parts of Inda. Then he travelled further east and heard about Japan in Malakka. Accompanied by Yajiro, a Japanese person, he left for Goa and from there to Japan, his new base of operations from 1549. He stayed for two years and visited, among others, the emperor in Kyoto. He travelled back to Goa and planned to go to China. He fell ill during the journey and died.
*Rare biography of Franciscus Xaverius. Not in Cordier. Japan, in Alt-Japan Katalog of Nipponalia.