INFO. Het maandblad voor de ontheemde stadsmens en zijn vrienden in de stad.
[later titled] Het maandblad voor de buitenmens en zijn vrienden in de stad. Hoofdredacteur: Herman Pieter de Boer: Redactie: Judy De Boer-van Osnabrugge, Conny de Jong Meslier. Adres van de redactie: Beulakerweg, Giethoorn. Number 1-12, doublenumber 15/16 and number 17. Giethoorn, 1972-1973, 15 (of 17) parts, illustrations, original uniform cover.
Practically complete series from the archive of journalist Henk Meier, only issues 13 and 18 missing; the first and last issues somewhat waterstained in left upper corner.
Nice and rare magazine, originally started by Herman Pieter de Boer to use a spare supply of paper for something, after his move from Amsterdam-Noord to Giethoorn. He also wanted to use the magazine to maintain contact with friends. THe magazine obviously turned out to be a success, and after only a few issues it already looks much more professional and there are contributions by, among others, Armando, Cees Buddingh', Jan Cremer, Heere Heeresma, Queen Juliana (letter of thanks for the half-year subscription she received), Dimitri Frenkel Frank, Marga Minco, Jan Montijn, Renate Rubinstein, Nico Scheepmaker, Annie M.G. Schmidt, Peter van Straaten, Herman van Veen en Bert Voeten.
A list of subscriptions is included in issue 12, only around 130 names but some prominent Dutch celebrities. An exclusive magazine with a modest layout, produced in small circulation for "those who made history!"