Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid
Vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der Actie, Bubbel en Windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, gepleegt in den Jaare 1720. With 72 full-p. and double-p. copper engravings, on folio (54 x 35 cm). In 19th century binding. Sl. damaged along edges, otherwise in good condition.
*Around 1720 there were lots of speculations and scandals, such as the Mississippi Bubble, that were related to the Mississippi Company which had gained monopoly on trade in the Mississippi area in North America. Too much speculation and bad results led to inflation and economic downturn, a process similar to the "South Sea Bubble", named after the South Sea Company in Great Britain. Both bubbles occurred due to the monopoly of the Scotsman John Law, led to the bankruptcy of banks and investors, some of whom, such as Sir Isaac Newton, lost hundreds of millions. The bubbles spread across Europe. The Netherlands, too, suffered from a bubble, which was formed because of the other two. The foolishness of this economic catastrophe is illustrated in this book with humorous prints and subscripts such as "Ga arme Bubbeltjes, Wel wel, je bent wel drommels in de Knel". Plates similar to a 'gewoonlijk exemplaar' as described by Muller (3536-3609) - lacks plates 3602, 3606, 3608 and 3609, but includes Muller 3611 and 3612 (portraits of John Law and his wife). No title-p. or other text pages - Muller II, p. 110-11.