[Manuscript] Groningen, 7 documents, added 2 ordonnances, total 9
1. Buyer's contract between Henricus Werumeus and hester Blancheris on the one hand and Petrus Dionisius Lomars and Abel Petrus Lomars on the other hand. With seal.
2. Rental contract 1699, with seal.
3. Letter Allart Gayckinga Renghers, Op 't Zant, Leermens, 1707, with seal.
4. Letter, 1703 with seal.
5. Letter, 1757, with seal.
6. Letter Redmar Koninck, concerning lands at Paddepoel?, 1616, signed: Redmar Koeninck, with seal.
7. Household effects contract between Allert Joost Clant and Josina Manninga and their children, 1644 with seals and signed.
8. Ord. Groningen: Conditien van de Verhuyzinge der Veenen in de Pekel, 1651 en 9. Ord. op het reynigen der marckten en Straeten binnen Groningen, 1669. Interesting collection, in impeccable condition.