
LOT 579

Hedendaagsche Bouwkunst

[uitgezochte ontwerpen van vreemden en inlandschen oorsprong, met korte beschrijvingen; ten dienste van ingenieurs, architecten, kunstliefhebbers, opzichters, werkbazen, enz. en ter bevordering van den goeden smaak. Redactie: H.J.H. Groneman] Wolters. Groningen [1867-1870].

Large 4to. Green percale binding, title on spine in gilt stamping, front cover blindstamped and central medallion with image of a church in gilt stamping by R. Gerhold, Leipzig. Originally published 20 bimonthly issues. Complete with title page in chromolithograph after a design by Otto Eerelman and produced by G. Severeyns, Brussels, 54,(5) pp. and 81 plates in lithography and chromolithography (lithographs by several lithographers, chromolithographs by Severeyns at Brussel). 4 plates loose. Complete. The designs of churches, hotel, school, museum, palace, villas and residences by various designers. Very interesting collection of "modern" building designs. Rare complete.

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