[Emblemata] Christelyke Staets-Vorst,
in Hondert Sin-Spreuken afgebeeld door Didacus Saveerdra Faxardus, Ridder, &c. In 't Nederlands vertaelt [by Mattheus Smallegange]. Amsterdam, J.J. Schipper, B.J. Smit, 1662, (14),1001,(9) p., with 101 engraved emblemata, contemporary overlapping vellum.
Lacks the frontispiece as well as leaves A7 and A8 from the preliminary pages; overlapping piece of vellum from back cover gnawed. Fine embemata book by the Spanish author Diego de Saavedra Fajardo (1584-1648), originally published with the title "Ideo de un principe politico christ (...)", in 1640.