[Emblemata] Two works in German: (1). Neue Sitten-Schule
In anmuthigen Bildern vorgestellet. Worinnen nicht allein der gantze Text dess frommen Hauss- und Sitten-Lehrers Jesus Sirachs vollkommenlich enthalten (...). Von Johann Christoph Kolb. Augsburg, A. Gugger, 1720, (6), 168 p., with engraved frontispiece and 51 engraved illustrations, contemporary leather with copper remains of a small clamp (slightly soiled/stained and used copy, spine ends damaged).
(2). Geistliches Zeug-Hauß Voll Gewehr, und Waffen Zu Bestürmung der Haupt-Festung In Engel-Land Des Himmlischen Jerusalems (...). Mit 16. Kupffern vorgebildet, und Reimweiß verfaßt Von Franc. Xav. Dornn (...). Augsburg, J.B. Burckhart, 1747, (8),176 p., with engraved frontispiece [counted as plate], portrait and 15 engraved illustrations, contemporary cardboard. Waterstained at beginning and several other internal and external small defects. With old owner's name "Anna Singer von Mindelheim - 1820" on the free endpaper. Contains an interesting image of Christus as doctor/pharmacist in a pharmacy.