[Life jackets] De scaphander. Of De Konst om in de diepste Wateren dryvende te gaan
en allerhande werk te verrichten. Door den Heer [Jean-Baptiste] De la Chapelle. Opgedraagen aan de Direkteuren der Maatschappy tot redding van Drenkelingen, opgeregt binnen Amsterdam MDCCLXVII. Amsterdam/ Harlingen, G. Warnars, V. van der Plaats, 1777, (2),VIII,139 p., with 4 images on 2 folding, engraved plates, contemporary cover.
Partly waterstained (did not stay afloat), yet still a good, uncut copy. Nice treatise on one of the first life jackets (made of cork). On the author, the French mathematician and inventor Jean-Baptiste la Chapelle (ca. 1710-1792), see: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_de_La_Chapelle. La Chapelle made his invention in 1765, but the first French edition only appeared in 1775, followed by German (1765) and Dutch (1777) translations.