
LOT 541

Five (very) rare fictitious imprints: (1-3) Convolute of 3 titles:

This item contains no English description. See the Dutch description: (1) Heyman Jacobsz. Zondaags schoole, of Uytlegginge op de Evangelien van de Zondagen. (...) Zeer bekwaam om de kinderen te laten leeren (...). Oversien, en verbetert (...). Antw. (= Amst.), heirs widow C. Stichter, 1772, (16),335 p., w. title in red and black within woodcut borders (cut sl. short at fore-edge), woodcut verso title-p. and 49 fine 3/4-page woodcut ills. by H. Numan (woodcut on p. 203 signed, some repeated), contemp. blindst. black mor. over wooden boards, both covers w. central Jesuit monogram, ribbed spine, brass catches preserved, sm. 8vo.

Binding sl. weak on hinges (cords showing, free endpaper loose; lacks clasps. Bound with: (2) Joan. Fonck. Heilige -daags schoole (...) Tot nut en dienstbaarheyt van (...) de jonge jeugd. Van nieuws overgesien en verbetert. Ibid. (= Amst.), iidem, n.d. (ca. 1750), 234,(6) p., w. title-woodcut and 37 woodcuts by Chr. v. Sichem a.o. And bound with: (3) Den dubbelden troost, ende vaderlijke leeringe. (...) Gestelt in forme van dialogie (...) tusschen een vader en zijn kint. (...) Nieuwelijks oversien (...). Ibid. (= Amst.), iidem, 1742, 192 p., w. title-woodcut. Ad convolute: partly waterst. Three very rare works in 1 vol. Ad1-2: Bibelebontse Berg p. 164-166; Polman, in: Archief Gesch. Kath. Kerk in Nederland VII, no. 11, 1965, p. 162 ff, and cat. 20; cf. Cat. Bijbel en prent 110; Burgersdijk & Niermans, Bibl. Theol., 1900, no. 7652 (ed. ca. 1790); Ad 3: Cf. Muller 719, Cat. De Koning 195 and Boekenoogen L 18245 (diff. Ghent editions). (4) G. Bona. Regels en beginselen van het christelyck leven, in 't Latijn beschreven. Overgeset in 't Nederduyts. Loven (=Haarlem), N. Braau, (c. 1677 = the date of the "Censura"). 307,(5) p., w. woodcut title-vignette, woodcut endpiece and initials, cont. vellum over wooden sides, 12mo. Waterst. in lower margin. Pastedowns loose (turn-ins warped). Early Dutch edition of this ascetical work concerning rules and principles of the Christian life. The first Latin edition appeared in 1673. Claes Braau was active in Haarlem from 1671 till 1705, publishing also other Catholic works with a fictitious Louvain imprint. (5) Ch. Gobinet. Onderwys der jeugt in de Christelyke Godvruchtigheyt (...). Antw. (= Amst.), J. Stichter, 1697, (8),470,(6) p., woodcut title-vignette, contemp. vellum, large 12mo. Vellum a bit stained, a very good copy. The first (French) edition of this work by Charles Gobinet (1613-1619) was published in 1655. (total 5 works in 3 vols.)

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