Cathechismus Romanus
Ex discreto Concilii Tridentini & Pii V. Pontificis Maximi iussu primum editus. Andreas Fabricius Leodius.. Antwerp. Plantijn. 1611. Bound together with: Sacrosancti et Oecumenici Concilii Tridentini. Johannes Soteallus & Horatius Lutius. Antwerp. Plantijn bij De Weduwe en Zonen van Johannes Moretus. 1615.
Small 4to, vellum, 2x title with printer's mark, (18),470 pp. + index, approbatio + large printer's mark, 269 pp. + index. Shabby binding, stained. Inside good.
The Roman Cathechismus, after the Council of Trent in an adaptation by Andreas Fabricius Leodius, followed by an explanation of the Council by Johannes Soteallus and Horatius Lutius. The council was summoned at Trent by Pope Paul III, continued by Julius III and affirmed by Pius IV. At the core of the Council stood deepening and internalisation, the correct phrasing of the theological concepts and determining the attitude towards the Reformation. (Cf. Wikipedia).