P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphosis Iconismis LI expressa
das ist Ovidii des weitberühmten Poeten furnembste Gedichten von Änderung der Gestallten 51. künstliche Kupferstück [by Sebastian Furck]. (Cologne, Gerhard Altzenbach, 1656 or Cologne, Bossart, 1681), fully engraved: title and 48 (of 51) numbered engravings, contemporary vellum with leftover binding ribbons, oblong 8vo.
Address on title rendered illegible with ink. Plates 31, 35 and 36 missing, title and first 8 plates frayed/damaged and with worming in margins, plate 24 and 51 damaged and loos, binding in poor condition. Other plates stained/thumbed, but overall in good condition. Sold with all faults.
Extremely rare edition of the Metamorphoses, found only aa few copies in libraries world-wide! (no search of plate cabinets) Plates 28 and 41 are monogrammed SF [intertwined. See Nagler, Die Monogrammisten, 4073, 3) (mentions this series).