[Indonesia. Rare deluxe copy] Marechaussee in Atjeh
Herinneringen en ervaringen van den eersten luitenant en kapitein van het korps marechaussee van Atjeh en onderhoorigheden H.J. Schmidt van 1902 tot 1918. Described by M.H. du Croo former Colonel K.N.I.L. Maastricht, published with support from "Oost en West" by N.V. Leiter-Nypels, 1943, 191 p., with folding maps and with (pasted) plates, original gilt half parchment, top edge gilt, small folio.
Very rare deluxe copy, printed for Ir. M.H.C. Vreede, General Secretary-Treasurer of the Vereeniging "Oost en West". Ordinary copies are bound in half cloth.
With: De Nederlandsch-Indische politiegids. Orgaan van de Broederschap van Comissarissen van Politie. X volume. Soerabaia, E. Fuhri & Co, 1926, 378 p., 12 monthly publication with consecutive paging, contemporary half cloth, small folio (rare).
And with 1 other (Indië en het Opium, Batavia, 1931). (total 3)