[Album amicorum] "Souvenir d'amitie pour C.L.V.N." (Catharina Louise van Naersen)
later Baronesse Rengers (c. 1786-1837). Album containing 43 contributions in various media, partly dated e.g. "Noordwijk ce 10 Octobre 1804" (earliest) and "Alkmaar 18 sept, 1861" (latest) so including later additions from similar albums, variously sized, loose in early 19th-cent. richly gilt red mor. chemise with the aforementioned lettering, oblong sm. 8vo size, in (not entirely matching) gilt brown mor. slipcase.
A few lvs. cut short; chemise lacks ties. Despite its mixed contents, an interesting album with its complete provenance spelled out on a few manuscript and matrix-printed lvs. The album has been handed down by members of the family (De Sitter, Van Hasselt, Ebbinge Wubbe, Everwijn) for generations. "Dit is een "album amicorum" van een betovergrootmoeder van mij, Mr. Johan Conrad van Hasselt, geb. 29-7-1918 (...)." Contains contributions by e.g. K. Frescarode (paper-cutting, Noordwijk, 1804), M.A.L.V.D. Lande (gouache of a bouquet of flowers, Groningen, 1807), "S.W.E.N." (gouache of a bird, 1807), W.C. van den Brandeler (two lvs. with embroidered flowers), Betsy Rengers, G.W. Smallenbure, C. d'Escury (view of a farmhouse), P.F.H.E. de Wijs nee Fabritius (embroidered flower bouquet) and a number of fine drawings in various media of flowers, ships at sea, cities, etc.