Jan Mammen (1899-1978). Archive of more than 50 drawings in various techniques,
mostly finished studies using colourful gouache, of stained-glass windows for various (church) buildings or other related subjects, various (large) sizes, partly signed and several provided with information on the location.
Impressive archive with many large-size studies, from the artist himself, with defects such as folds, small tears, stains etc. Contains e.g.: (1) Designs in mixed media for two glass windows of a building in Zwolle (?) with trade and fortune/ industry and utility as subjects, both 51.5 x 23.5 cm. and signed and a smaller design for the same building (with indications "Haarlemmerstraat 96" and "W. Rosenthal"); (2) "Schetsontwerp gebrandschilderde ramen Cultureel centrum Gabriël Metsustraat A'dam." Design in mixed media for two windows with vigilance and responsibility/ strength and purity as subjects, each 32 x 11.5 cm., mounted together on cardboard, in wrapper with the address of the artist; (3) "H. Pascha lis Baylon". (Female saint). Two designs in mixed media for glass windows, both 46 x 29 cm.; (4) Two designs in mixed media for two series of three glass windows, on leaves with size 53 x 41 cm., with extensive explanation of the subjects in pen in the margins; (5) "Schetsontwerp gebrandschilderd glas-in-loosraam R.K. Kerk te Hoorn". Design in mixed media with the psalms of David, Mary and Francis's Canticle of the Sun as subjects, 57 x 27 cm., titled and signed and with comments in pencil; (6) "Sint Johannes." Drawing in mixed media, 70.5 x 51.5 cm., signed (tears); (7) "De winden zal ik binden aan de mast en mij doen vaaren gaan (Gezelle)". Painting (design?) finished in thick gouache on paper with the words production, fashion and trade around the steering wheel of a ship with centered text "40 jaar", 55 x 76.5 cm.; (8) "Wij draaien elk op zich en met elkander. Wie wijzer is die volgt toch steeds de ander." Design in gouache for an enamel dial, with the seasons and constellations in the corners, 31.5 x 31.5 cm.