
LOT 1913
SOLD €850,00

[N.S.B.] Weerafdeling. Lot with 14 typed/ stencilled pieces of correspondence on 18 leaves

Mostly dated 1940-1941, all A4 size and (all but one) with the general N.S.B. logo (4x) or the logo of the Weerafdeling (9x), with stencilled/ original signatures of Algemeen Commandant (A.J.) Zondervan (4x), Heerbanleiders H.C. van 't Hof (3x) and J.E. Feenstra, Q.W.A. Bleys, F.G.C. van der Post and others (some perforated).

Concerns e.g.: (1) Typed note to Feenstra, Harting and Hansen, signed in pen by Bleys and dated "Leiden, 13 nov. 40" as accompanying letter ("deze voor my vervelende kwestie") with a stencilled copy (also signed by Bleys) of a letter previously sent by him to Van 't Hof. The letter to Van 't Hof concerns the new structure of the A.W.A. Ban Zuid-Holland; (2) Stencilled dispatch ("Order No. A./or. 39") from H.C. van 't Hoff to "Alle Heerban-, Banleiders en spoedshalve alle Vendelcommandanten", dated "Utrecht, 23 Bloeimaand 1941": "Met ingang van heden, is het alle weermannen verboden eenigerlei actie tegen joden te ondernemen. (...) In den vervolge wenschen de Duitsche Autoriteiten het nemen van maatregelen tegen joden en de controle daarop voor zich te behouden." (with German translation in pencil at the bottom); (3) Typed note to the Districtsleider of District 24 Zeestraat Den Haag, signed in pen by J.E. Feenstra, dated "'s-Gravenhage, 12 Grasmaand 1941", as accompanying letter with a stencilled list (2p. with 70 names) "Wijzigingen kader WA Heerban 's -Gravenhage"; (4) Stencilled letter to Heerbanleiders , Banleiders etc. ("op 3 achtereenvolgende appèls voor te lezen"), signed in red (stamp?) by Zondervan, dated "Utrecht, 3 Zaaimaand 1940", in which is determined that two official Wolfsangel insignia are no longer to be worn (loose Wolfsangles are still allowed), with an extensive annotation in pen on recto and verso by Feenstra (?); (5) Stencilled dispatch ("Order No. P/22") to all "Voorl. commdt." of the (A.)W.A., by Van 't Hoff, undated (early October 1940), with the text of the statement of non-Jewish origins to be signed by all prospective members, with at the bottom an annotation in pen with Feenstra(?)'s initials dated 4 Oct. 1940 and a typed inscription with monogram "W.S." in pen; (6) "Kasverslag over de maand September 1940". Pre-printed form, completed by typewriter, dated "Den Haag, 5 October 1940", signed in pen by Banleider Feenstra and Ban-Administrateur M.A. van Ellinkhuizen (total 14 items).

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