
1900-1999 WWII: Lots 0 - 1962

Auction 17
€100,00 - €200,00
Derrière le Miroir no 250

This item contains no English description. See the Dutch description: Hommage à Aimé et Marguerite Maeght. Met 24 lithografiën van o.a. Joan Miró, Marc Chagall, Bram van Velde...

Auction 17
SOLD €90,00
LOT 1900
€70,00 - €140,00
[Periodicals] De Pers. Maandblad voor het Nederlandsche perswezen

Officieel orgaan van het Persgilde der Nederlandse Kultuurkamer. Redacteur J. Learbuch. Year 1, number 1-12 and year 2, number 1-5 and 7. The Hague, September 1942 to April 1944,...

Auction 17
SOLD €160,00
LOT 1901
€50,00 - €100,00
Four placards and 4 small publications: (1) Bekendmaking,

van den Commissaris-Generaal voor het Veiligheidswezen, de Hoogere SS- en Politiechef SS-Brigadeleider Rauter. Placard printed in black on a red surface, no place, publisher or...

Auction 17
SOLD €50,00
LOT 1902
€100,00 - €200,00
[Extraordinary army manuscript] "Berichten cahier Commandant 11e Grensbataljon".

Manuscript, (78) p., with communications for internal military use dated from Sunday 25 February to Friday 10 May 1940 and on the facing page short annotations indicating to which...

Auction 17
SOLD €280,00
LOT 1903
€100,00 - €200,00
[Anti-German propaganda] Lot with more than 40 items, incl. (1) "Die einzige neue Waffe,

die Deutschland retten kann... Reichs-Propaganda-Ministerium, irgendwo in den noch nicht besetzten deutschen Gebieten." Design drawing in India ink, monogrammed "MT" [= Rob Korpershoek],...

Auction 17
SOLD €110,00
LOT 1904
€50,00 - €100,00
[Photos and photocards] Lot with more than 50 photos and photocards,

various sizes and subjects.

Auction 17
SOLD €220,00
LOT 1905
€75,00 - €150,00
[WWI] Poster - British Red Cross

Tom Purvis. Help Him. A collection will be made for the British Red Cross Societies at this church on Sunday, 2nd Jan. 1916. The Avenue Press, London, 1916.

Auction 17
SOLD €150,00
LOT 1906
€150,00 - €300,00
[Poster] Siegfried - Wat het tot zinken brengen van een tanker (...) Duitschland wint

Wat het tot zinken brengen van een tanker van 10.000 BR.R ton precies beteekent. (...) Dit is slechts een enkel schip! Duitschland Wint. Design Siegfried. Ca. 1942. 120 x 89.5 cm.

Auction 17
SOLD €150,00
LOT 1907
€150,00 - €300,00
[Poster] Siegfried - Een tot zinken gebracht schip van 15.000 Br. R. Ton

beteekent het verlies van het maandrantsoen voor een stad als Amsterdam (...) Duitschland wint den slag op den Atlantischen Oceaan. Ca. 1942. 120 x 89.5 cm.

Auction 17
SOLD €220,00
LOT 1909
€70,00 - €140,00
[Diverse lot with mosly German pamphlets] Lot with ca. 35 pamphlets and other printings,

late '30s and the war years, incl. a large number of election posters for student council elections (mostly Heidelberg) and the Anschluss elections of 10 April 1938, but also incl....

Auction 17
SOLD €1200,00
LOT 1910
€200,00 - €400,00
[Manuscripts] Collection of ca. 65 original manuscripts,

consisting of original handwritten and typed letters, completed forms, personal paper prison documents etc., each item separately inserted in protective plastic file.

Auction 17
SOLD €850,00
LOT 1913
€70,00 - €140,00
[N.S.B.] Weerafdeling. Lot with 14 typed/ stencilled pieces of correspondence on 18 leaves

Mostly dated 1940-1941, all A4 size and (all but one) with the general N.S.B. logo (4x) or the logo of the Weerafdeling (9x), with stencilled/ original signatures of Algemeen Commandant...

Auction 17
SOLD €600,00
LOT 1914
€150,00 - €300,00
[N.S.B.] Collection of 28 typed/ stencilled letters,

all with N.S.B. logo in top margin, dated 1937-1944, signed in pen or with stencilled signature, several with stamp of Secretaris-Generaal (C.J. Huygen) with date of arrival, nearly...

Auction 17
SOLD €600,00
LOT 1916
€100,00 - €200,00
[N.S.B.] Collection of ca. 75 stencilled or printed pieces,

incl. several typed pieces and pieces of related organisations, consisting of (sometimes multi-leafed) regulations and instructions, copies, announcements, enlistment forms, several...

Auction 17
SOLD €200,00
LOT 1917
€70,00 - €140,00
[Ephemera] Lot with ca. 40 pieces of various (rare) ephemera,

mostly with illustrations and anti-German, mostly from the war years (some slightly earlier or later), various sizes.

Auction 17
SOLD €340,00
LOT 1918
€100,00 - €200,00
[Ephemera] Lot with more than 350 pieces of printed ephemera,

mostly single-leafed but also including books, mostly from the '30s and '40s, e.g. consisting of issues of (underground) newspapers (Trouw, De Vonk, Het Parool etc.) and bulletins,...

Auction 17
SOLD €900,00
LOT 1919
€70,00 - €140,00
[Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten] Collection of 46 original items,

with accompanying original documentation, consisting of 12 various cloth armbands (1x non-BS), 17 identity cards (of which 7 used), 5 confiscation documents and 9 other items, ca. 1945-1946.

Auction 17
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1920
€80,00 - €150,00
[Marten Toonder] De Metro + De Gil

(1) De Metro. Satyrisch tijdschrift (subtitle changes). A collection of 18 issues (of 36 published) as follows: No. 6 (numbered as year 6 no. 1). Amsterdam, 19 Jan. 1945, continued...

Auction 17
SOLD €140,00
LOT 1921
€70,00 - €140,00
[Medals] Collection of 7 medals,

incl. an Iron Cross with dates 1813 and 1939, a pin with text "119 Regiments - Treffen 25.X. 1936", a zinc (?) medal with text "Winterschlagt im Osten 1941/ 42", an "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen",...

Auction 17
SOLD €75,00
LOT 1922
€75,00 - €125,00
Original drawings WWII

7 original caricatural WWII drawings, signed J.V.G. with inscriptions such as: "In Berlijn wordt het rantsoen vergroot!" and: "De muren hebben ooren". All 32 x 25 cm. + 2 original...

Auction 17
SOLD €220,00
LOT 1923
€70,00 - €120,00
[N.S.B.] Newspapers

De Bundelaar. Weekblad der Kringen Haarlem Nationaal Socialistische Beweging in Nederland. 3e jaargang no. 37, 1935 + Het Arbeidsfront. No. 33, 1936 + Alarm. Weekblad voor den...

Auction 17
SOLD €1100,00
LOT 1924
€100,00 - €200,00
Front en Heem

Krant voor de Nederlandsche Vrijwilliger. No. 1-23, 1942-1944. A few issues cut loose on left side + Front en Heem, Frontkrant voor de Nederlandsche soldaten van ons Leger. Nos....

Auction 17
SOLD €180,00
LOT 1925
€75,00 - €150,00
German periodicals

Signaal. 1940: no. 14; 1941: nos. 9, 13, 20; 1943: no. 12-15, 20, 23 (2x); 1944: no. 1-14 (no. 1 three times, 2-5 and 11-12 double; from no. 7 as Signal). With Signal Extra supplements...

Auction 17
SOLD €190,00
LOT 1926
€100,00 - €200,00
[N.S.B.] Newspapers

De Opstand. Brabantsch strijdblad voor het Nationaal-Socialisme. Nos 9-16, 1944 + Statuten De Nederlandsch Socialistische Partij N.S.P., 1934 + De Weg. Weekblad van Nationaal Front....

Auction 17
SOLD €110,00
LOT 1927
€80,00 - €150,00
Lot with ca. 100 underground newspapers

with an Allied, satirical, revolutionary or antifascist character. Contains e.g.: 8 nos. of De Waarheid from 1945; Die Neue Zeitung Extrablatt: Die Schuldsprüche von Nürnberg (American...

Auction 17
SOLD €400,00
LOT 1928
€60,00 - €90,00
WWII newspapers

Der Stürmer. Deutsches Wochenblatt zum Kampfe um die Wahrheit. Herausgeber Julius Streicher. 11 nos. from 1944 + Het vrije Woord. Weekblad voor Werkend Nederland. Hoofdredacteur...

Auction 17
LOT 1929
€80,00 - €150,00
DECLINED [Nazism] Lot with 35

Grossdeutschland und seine Verwundeten. Albert Wolff, Reichsgesundheisverlag Berlin, 1943. 34 pp. (cover loose) + Dr. Joseph Goebbels - Wer ist das? Von Diator. Hermann Sehring...

Auction 17
LOT 1931
€80,00 - €150,00
DECLINED [Nazism] Lot with 33

Warüm wir Kämpfen und Siegen! Dr. Robert Ley, Verlag der Deutschen Arbeitsfront. 34 pp. + Sudentendeutschtum und gesamtdeutsche kultur. Konrad Henlein + Niemals! Heinrich Goitsch,...

Auction 17
SOLD €280,00
LOT 1932
€70,00 - €120,00

Richtlijnen voor den sprekerscursus 1943/1944. 20 pp. + Ferme Jongens. Propagandablaadje voor de Landstorm Nederland, 1943. 4 pp. + N.S.V.O. Lied Het hartvuur heilig. 4 pp. + Zoo...

Auction 17
SOLD €130,00
LOT 1933
€80,00 - €150,00

Lot with ca. 100 pieces of postwar printed ephemera incl. pamphlets, periodicals, newspaper articles (partly copied), etc., concerning a revisionist perspective on National Socialism...

Auction 17
SOLD €150,00
LOT 1934
€70,00 - €120,00
Newspapers collaboration

Lot with ca. 110 mostly Dutch N.S.B./ pro-German/ National-socialist newspapers from the war years.

Auction 17
SOLD €160,00
LOT 1935
€70,00 - €120,00
German newspapers and periodicals

Lot with ca. 70 German newspapers, periodicals and printed ephemera from the war years, various sizes. Contains e.g.: 21 issues of Deutsche Zeitung in den Niederlanden, 1940-1945...

Auction 17
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1936
€70,00 - €140,00
Two commemorative plates: (1) "Belgisch memorandum 1940-1945."

"Glorie aan onze Helden gestorven voor het vaderland, Krijgsgevangenen, weggevoerden en burgerlijke slachtoffers. Veldtocht 1940-1945. Gemeente Bellem."

Auction 17
SOLD €160,00
LOT 1937
€75,00 - €125,00
[Korps Mariniers]

Records of Jan Pieter Baas of Sint Laurens. Baas was killed in Indonesia. Distribution master cards of his parents, photos, pocket book Korps Mariniers, registration card Cursus...

Auction 17
LOT 1938
€50,00 - €80,00
[Indonesia] Vrouwenkamp op Java

J.H. Hooykaas-van Leeuwen Boomkamp. Kolff & Co, Amsterdam-Batavia 1946. Copy of Njonja C. Boendermaker who was interned at a women's camp. Two drawings in the book pasted with...

Auction 17
SOLD €185,00
LOT 1939
€70,00 - €140,00
Vlaamse Volksbeweging

Het bloedbad van Abbeville. Maurits van Gijsegem. 2e dr., Volk en Staat, Antwerpen, 1942 + De Leider. Schets van het leven van Staf de Clercq door Ant. Mermans. Volk en Staat,...

Auction 17
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1940
€60,00 - €90,00
[WWI] Guerre Publicité et marques de Fabrique

illustré de 300 vignettes. Oorlog Reclame en Fabrieksmerken met 300 afbeeldingen. J. Gevers & Co, Anvers, ca. 1918. 40 pp.

Auction 17
LOT 1941
€80,00 - €150,00

Rede van den Rijkskanselier Dr. von Bethmann Hollweg 1915. 4 pp. + Mededeeling aan de Belgische uitgewekenen. Pamphlet, Oct. 1914. 50 x 32 cm. + pamphlet for the citizens of Hasselt...

Auction 17
SOLD €130,00
LOT 1942
€70,00 - €120,00

Nationaal Socialisme en landbouw. H.J. van Houten. Nenasu, ca. 1936. 24 pp. + Pastoor Leonards en de Nederlandsche R.K. Pers. 1938. 31 pp. + Dat Had Europa van het bolsjewisme...

Auction 17
SOLD €220,00
LOT 1943
€80,00 - €150,00
[Nationaal Front] Arnold Meijer

Wat wil Zwart Front. Derde druk, De Ramshoorn, Oisterwijk, 1938. 46 pp. + Tusschen Leeuw en Adelaar een vergroot Nederland de wacht van Europa. De Veste, Oisterwijk, 1945 + Arnold...

Auction 17
SOLD €800,00
LOT 1944
€100,00 - €200,00

Lot with 44 various works, incl. Jeugd in Opstand door Dum-Dum. Uitgeverij Oisterwijk in opdracht van het Nederlandsch Volksfascisme "Zwart Front" + Van Rappard's Appèl sedert...

Auction 17
SOLD €170,00
LOT 1945
€75,00 - €125,00
[N.S.B.] Newspapers

14 copies of Het Nationale Dagblad, 1939-42 and 4 copies from 1945 + Volk van Nederland no 5 and 10, 1941 + 2 copies 1944 - and pamphlet "Leest wekelijks Volk en Vaderland" + De...

Auction 17
LOT 1946
€80,00 - €150,00
DECLINED [Nazism] Lot with 30

Das ist die HJ. Im Auftrage des Reichsjugendführers herausgegeben von Obergebietsführer Willi Körber. Deutscher Jugendverlag, Berlin + Der Arbeitsdienst Westfalen-Süd. Herausgegeben...

Auction 17
LOT 1947
€100,00 - €200,00
DECLINED [Nazism] Lot with 50

Balans. Zomer 1942. Stamp on back Hoofdkwartier N.S.B. afd. Persbibliotheek Utrecht + De Duitsche Arbeidersjeugd. Willi Jung + De Bevrijding van Mussolini. 24 pp. Publisher unknown...

Auction 17
SOLD €300,00
LOT 1948
€100,00 - €200,00
[Nazism] Lot with 38

De oude- en de nieuwe tijd. Een feestelijk hoorspel van den eersten mei 1944. Van Munster's uitgeverij, Amsterdam + Arnold Meijer. Strijdt om Nederland. W.H.M. van den Hout. De...

Auction 17
SOLD €130,00
LOT 1949
€70,00 - €120,00
[N.S.B.] Periodicals

Nieuwe Internationale Revue van den Arbeid. Uitgave instituut voor Arbeidswetenschap van het Duitsch Arbeidsfront, Berlijn, no. 4 1941, nos. 1 and 3 1942, no. 1, 1944 + Volksgezondheid....

Auction 17
SOLD €400,00
LOT 1950
€100,00 - €200,00
Stormers Dienst. Kaderblad van den Nationale Jeugdstorm

21 issues between 1st year no. 1, 1941 and 3rd year no. 12, 1944.

Auction 17
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1951
€70,00 - €120,00
[N.S.B.] Periodicals

Wille und Macht. Führerorgan der Nationalsozialistischen Jugend. Baldur von Schirach, nos. 1, 1942; 4, 1943; 3/4, 1944 + Die Neue Gemeinschaft. Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Franz Eher...

Auction 17
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1952
€60,00 - €90,00
[Genealogy] Maandblad Sibbe

Maandblad van het Nederlandsch Verbond voor Sibbekunde. Year 1-4 bound in uniform red cloth bindings + two volumes "Volksche Wacht" (volumes without wrapper in green marbled bindings,...

Auction 17
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1953
€60,00 - €90,00
[Nazism] Lot with 13

Jahrbuch der Deutschen Frontsoldaten und Kriegsopfer 1939 + 1940 + Hitler wie Ihn keiner kennt. 100 Bild-Dokumente aus dem Leben des Führers. H. Hoffmann, Wilhelm Andermann, Berlin....

Auction 17
SOLD €180,00
LOT 1954
€70,00 - €120,00
[National Socialism]

Nationaal-Socialistisch Jaarboek 1942-1943 and 1944 + Voor Volk en Vaderland. Tien jaren strijd van de Nationaal-Socialistische beweging der Nederlanden 1931-1941, 2nd ed., N.S.B.,...

Auction 17
SOLD €130,00
LOT 1955
€100,00 - €200,00
[Propaganda poster] Moskou Beveelt!

Goedgekeurd door het Departement van Volksvoorlichting en Kunsten no. 152 Hangtijd van 5 Dec. tot 31 Dec. '43. Anti-Russian propaganda poster with image of a German soldier observing...

Auction 17
LOT 1956
€70,00 - €120,00
....En het geschiedde toen....

story of Luke 2: 1-7 depicted in the Biblical image followed by a page with war image. 14 pp. Handmade, cordbound, 4to, pages in mixed media. At the end colophon: edition of 8...

Auction 17
SOLD €160,00
LOT 1957
€100,00 - €200,00

Lot with 19 N.S.D.A.P. publications from the period leading up to WWII, all in very good condition. Incl. Hermann Goring. Die Jungmädelschaft. Blätter für Heimabendgestaltung der...

Auction 17
SOLD €320,00
LOT 1958
€100,00 - €200,00
[National Socialism] Hermann Göring

24 press photos with Hermann Göring. Photos taken between 1935-1944. Incl. Göring's wedding, speech at inauguration as prime minister and with the celebration 'Schönheit der Freude'.

Auction 17
SOLD €280,00
LOT 1959
€100,00 - €200,00
[National Socialism] Joseph Goebbels

34 press photos conc. Joseph Goebbels. Photos taken between 1935-1944. Incl. Rede im Rundfunk!, Kriegstagung der Reichsfilmkammer en Staatsakt verstorbenen Reichssportführer von...

Auction 17
SOLD €240,00
LOT 1960
€100,00 - €200,00
[National Socialism] Press photos

25 various photos of the Third Reich, incl. 5 photos with Adolf Hitler, fencing photo 'Fechten um den "Goldenen Bären von Berlin"' with Hauptscharführer Liebscher, Major A.D. Jürst...

Auction 17
SOLD €200,00
LOT 1961
€100,00 - €200,00
[WWI] French trench publications

Small-size newspapers, published for the soldiers in the trenches. 16 items, of 11 different newspapers. All from 1915 and 1916. Inserted in custom-made half cloth folder.

Auction 17
SOLD €55,00
LOT 1962
€50,00 - €80,00
War prints

Series of 10 lithographic scenes by Is. Naarden with subjects such as "Klompen Mode 1944", "De Hongertocht" and "Oogst 1940-45". Each 31.5 x 27 cm. Added: Het menschelijk lichaam....


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