[Ephemera] Lot with ca. 40 pieces of various (rare) ephemera,
mostly with illustrations and anti-German, mostly from the war years (some slightly earlier or later), various sizes.
Contains e.g.: (1) "Jood en niet-Jood één in strijd!" Original illegal yellow-paper flyer, with imprint of a Jewish badge adjusted with the aforementioned anti-German text, ca. 1943, 12 x 11 cm. (De Illegale Pers no. 937, rare); (2) "Ned. beweging voor Eenheid door Democratie. Een goede raad. Brandt uw vingers niet. Stemt dus níet op Nationaal-Socialisten of Communisten." Used matchbox produced by Atria N.V. Diemen, with two matches preserved, 9.5 x 4 cm. (unfolded); (3) "Oranje zal overwinnen! Nederland zal herrijzen!" Cover of a cigarette pack, dated 31 August 1941, 9 x 16.5 cm. (unfolded); (4) "Gevaar! Gestapo! Weest op uw hoede! Doodvonnissen (...)." Flyer issued in October 1944 by Vrij Nederland and the united underground organisations, 6 p., 14.5 x 11.2 cm.; (5) "Oorlog met de tekenpen!" Underground comic story with text and illustrations by "MJ" [= Rob Korpershoek], December 1944, 12 p. (the illustrations are also separately included in another version in the lot) (total ca. 40).