[Ex libris D.F. Scheurleer] Handleiding tot de physionomiekunde.
[By J.C. Lavater?]. Dordrecht, A. Blussé en Zoon, 1780-1782, 2 volumes, 247,(1); VI,242,(4) p., with 2 engraved title illustrations, 8 plates and 15 portraits in the text, contemporary uniform half leather, gilt back with 2 contrasting morocco letterpieces, large 8vo (minor defects to spine ends).
Appeared anonymously, simultaneously with "Over de physionomie" (1780-1783) in 4 parts which did appear in Lavater's name. Both volumes with the ex libris of the famous music historian Daniel François Scheurleer (1855-1927), with his initials DFS and motto "In labore requies". His library (excluding the music books) was sold at auction in 1927, at Van Stockum.