[Chinese export gouaches] Album with 48 gouaches on "pith" paper,
all ca. 19 x 25 cm. (incl. silk ties with which the gouaches are mounted on the album leaves), with various natural scenes such as butterflies on flowers (12x), birds (12x), grasshoppers, caterpillars and other insects (12x) and fruit (12x), the album bound in red morocco with silk ties, 23.5 x 30.5 cm.
Beautiful series of gouaches in relatively large size, nearly all in very good condition but here and there with the usual minor damage/ tears and several with marginal wormholes (the final gouache with inconvenient central damage). With annotation in Spanish in pen concerning the contents on inside front board. Besides the gouaches, at the beginning of the album is located a heraldic ex libris with the Spanish royal coat of arms with motto "Plus Ultra", drawn in pen on silk. Possibly used as exclusive gift to a member of the Spanish royal family, or commissioned by said family.