[Gardens] Philip Miller's maandlyksche tuin-oefeningen,
in moes- vrugt- en bloemhof, in boomgaard en oranjehuis, in stook- en broeikas, en in ent- en kweekery (...). [Translated from English] Door Job Baster. Na hem vermeerderd met (...). Derde druk van de voorgaande zeer onderscheiden. Amsterdam, de Erven H. Gartman etc., 1821, (4),VIII,292 p., with engraved frontispiece by C. Brouwer after J. Smies, folding, engraved plate with "Tuinbouw-Gereedschappen, 5 (large) folding letterpress lists (paginated 293-297), contemporary halfcalf, gilt back with morocco letterpiece, small 8vo.
Folding letterpress lists p. 293 and 295 sl. frayed along fore edge, large folding lists p. 296 and 297 torn and carelessly folded, but complete; endpapers partly browned due to the leather turned inwards. Binding with some wear to spine ends and outer corners of boards. Still a good copy, with owner's stamp "CB" to flyleaf and outside front board. Lovely handbook concerning gardens, after Philip Miller's (1691-1771) The Gardener's Dictionary (first edition 1731), translated by Job Baster (1711-1775). The first Dutch edition appeared in 1767. Our edition has been considerably expanded, the title page lists 10 additional points, incl. the folding lists. After a general introduction, the handbook has been divided into the months of the year, so that the user will know what to do at any given time. The lists paginated 293-295 together form an "Almanak voor bloemisten, aanwyzende veele soorten van bol- plant- en zaaibloemen, welken in den tuin, zonder moeite en kosten, kunnen voortgekweekt worden". The leaf paginated 296 is titled "Hoveniers-spiegel", and forms an alphabetical table with crops from "aardbijen" to "zuring", information on the location and the moments in time when something has to be done with or to the crop. The last folding list is titled "tafereel van 's tuinmans werk", with the planned activities sorted by month.