[Emblemata] Typus Mundi
in quo eius calamitates et pericula nec non divini, humanique amoris antipathia, Emblematice proponuntur a RR.C.S.I.A. [Rhetoribus Collegii Societatis Jesu Antwerp]. Antverpiae, Apud Ioan. Cnobbaert, 1627.
Limp vellum, 12mo, illustrated title, allegorical portrait of Ignatius of Loyola, 240 (= 140) pp., paging skips from 99 to 200 and 31 (of 32?) copper engravings (p. 216 which should have engraving 27 remains blank). The engravings by Philip de Mallery. Each emblem with Latin, French and Dutch verses. Shabby vellum, partially removed bookplate, annotations to endpaper. Curious.