
LOT 1055
SOLD €240,00

[Typoscript] Two studies on the Ngada region, Flores

(1) Nota van toelichting betreffende de onderafdeling Ngada van den controleur à la suite B.H.F. van Heuven, 1917. Typescript, 221 lvs, w. two manuscript. ills., hcl., 4to. (2) De maatschappelijke structuur in Soa, Ambtelijke nota van den controleur ter beschikking van de resident van Timor en onderhorigheden. By L. Fontijne, 1940. Typescript, 52 lvs w. manuscript map of Soa valley, hcl., 4to.

Ngada is located in the heart of Flores Island within the Timor region. These very rare studies contain detailed accounts of local culture, religion, history, language, demographics, economy and geography. (total 2)

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