[Manuscript and printing] [Leerstellingen en gedichten] Johann Ernst Philippi.
Lehrsätze von der erhabensten Oberherrschaft Gottes über alle seine Geschöpfe; und desselben unumschrankten Gebietungs=Rechte, uber alle vernünftige Wesen; nebst Unsuegung Zweyer freymüthigen Gedichte. [D. Philippi] Frankfurth und Leipzig, 1749.
Sm. 8vo., leather, gilt-stamped spine, marbled endpapers, ex-libris (Bibliotheca Seckendorfiana), title with vignette, 48 hand-numbered pages followed by Fünf Neue Gedichte in manuscript by Dr. Johann Ernst Philippi. [Halle, 1749] on 39 hand-numbered pages; furthermore ca. 40 blank pp.
No editor; possibly self-published in Halle with a dedication to Ludwig Adolf Freiherr von Zech. J.E. Philippi was a lawyer, and later a professor in Halle, where he clashed with colleagues, resulting in gibes addressed to all parties. Philippi slowly lost his mind and was institutionalized in Waldheim until his release in 1742. He was no longer able to find work and lived off his writing, see: Reimschmiede-Kunst, he continued with his Opus L'art de bons mots which remained unplished. In 1749, he wrote "Die Academische Schaubühne" and the work discussed here, which is not mentioned anywhere. Philippi was institutionalized again in 1757 and that same year or the next in the house of correction in Halle. Interesting and unusual. Very rare.