
1500-1599 Various II: Lots 1500 - 1599

Auction 13
SOLD €120,00
LOT 1500
€60,00 - €120,00
[Printing, illustration and technology]

The Golden Compasses, A History and Evaluation of the Printing and Publishing Activities of the Officina Plantiniana, Leon Voet, Vol. I and II, VanGendt & Co., Amsterdam, 1969...

Auction 13
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1501
€70,00 - €140,00
[Middle Ages: Language and ideas]

De Middeleeuwse Ideeënwereld 1000-1300, Manuel Stoffers (ed.), Heerlen, Open Universiteit, Verloren, Hilversum, 1994. Tuinen in de Middeleeuwen, Stuip, Vellekoop (ed.), Verloren,...

Auction 13
SOLD €120,00
LOT 1502
€70,00 - €140,00
[Middle Ages: Annals, chronicles, cities]

Annalen van Egmond, Annales Egmundensis uitgegeven en vertaald door Marijke Gumbert-Hepp en J.P. Gumbert; Chronicon Egmundanum uitgegeven door J.W.J. Burgers, Hilversum, Verloren,...

Auction 13
SOLD €85,00
LOT 1503
€80,00 - €160,00
[Book lot conc. illuminated manuscripts]

Middeleeuwse Boeken van het Catharijneconvent, W.C.M. Wüstefeld, Waanders, Zwolle, 1993 + The Utrecht Psalter in Medieval Art, picturing the Psalms of David, Koert van der Horst,...

Auction 13
SOLD €75,00
LOT 1504
€60,00 - €120,00
[Book lot conc. Medieval book illustrations]

Buchmalerei der Zisterzienser, Kulturelle Schätze aus sechs Jahrhunderten, Belser Verlag Stuttgart, 1998 + Zisterzienser und Ihre Bücher, Die Mittelalterliche Bibliotheksgeschichte...

Auction 13
SOLD €200,00
LOT 1505
€80,00 - €160,00
Urkundenbuch für die Geschichte des Niederrheins

oder des Erzstifts Köln, der Fürstentümer Jülich und Berg, Geldern, Moers, Kleve und Mark und der Reichsstifte Elten, Essen und Werden in 4 Bänden. Theodor Joseph Lacomblet, 2e...

Auction 13
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1506
€100,00 - €200,00
Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299

Dr. A.C.F. Koch, Dr. J.G. Kruisheer and Dr. E.C. Dijkhof; Martinus Nijhoff and Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, Den Haag, Koninklijke Van Gorkum, 1970-2005. 6 vols. cloth...

Auction 13
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1507
€60,00 - €120,00
Oorkondenboek van Overijssel

Mr. G.J. ter Kuile. Vol. I: Regesten 797-1250. Vol. II: 1250-1300. Vol. III: 1300-1325. Vol. IV: 1325-1334. Vol. V: 1334-1345 and vol. VI: 1345-1350. Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle, 1963-1969,...

Auction 13
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1508
€60,00 - €120,00
Van Tresorier tot Thesaurier-generaal

Zes eeuwen financieel beleid in handen van een hoge Nederlandse ambtsdrager, Prof. mr. J.Th. de Smidt (ed.) m.m.v. Mw. dr. R.M. Sprenger, Hilversum, Verloren, 1996 + The Life and...

Auction 13
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1509
€70,00 - €120,00
[Codices and illustrated manuscripts]

Vlaamse kunst op perkament, Bruges, Gruuthusemuseum, 1981 + De Vlaamse miniatuur. Het mecenaat van Philips de Goede, Brussels, Amsterdam, 1959 + De handschriften van Ter Doiest,...

Auction 13
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1510
€60,00 - €120,00

Kopy en Druk in de Nederlanden. Atlas bij de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Typografie, Prof. Dr. W. Gs Hellinga, Amsterdam, N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Mij, 1962 + Annalers...

Auction 13
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1511
€60,00 - €100,00
[Printers and publishers]

Populair drukwerk in de Gouden Eeuw. De almanak als lectuur en handelswaar, Jeroen Salman, Walburg Pers, Zutphen, 1999 + Een handdruk van de tijd. De almanak en het dagelijks leven...

Auction 13
SOLD €120,00
LOT 1512
€70,00 - €120,00

De VOC in de kaart gekeken 1602-1799, SDU, 's-Gravenhage, 1988 + Gesneden en gedrukt in de Kalverstraat, HES, Utrecht, 1989 + Kunst in kaart, HES, Utrecht, 1989 + In de Gekroonde...

Auction 13
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1513
€70,00 - €120,00

Geschiedenis van Brabant van het hertogdom tot heden, Prof. em. dr. R. van Uytven (ed.), Waanders, Zwolle; Davidsfonds, Stichting Colloquium De Brabantse Stad, 2004 + 's-Hertogenbosch...

Auction 13
SOLD €110,00
LOT 1514
€70,00 - €120,00
[Order of the Golden Fleece]

Charles V 1500-1558 and his Time, Hugo Soly (ed.), Mercatorfonds, Antwerp, 1999 + Holland under Habsburg Rule 1606-1566, Tracy, Berkeley, 1990 + Die Protokollbücher des Ordens...

Auction 13
SOLD €110,00
LOT 1515
€60,00 - €120,00

La Bibliothèque de Marguerite d'Autriche, Marguerite Debae, Ed. Peeters, Louvain-Paris, 1995 + Maria van Hongarije; Koningin tussen keizers en kunstenaars 1505-1558, Waanders,...

Auction 13
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1516
€60,00 - €120,00
[German charter books]

Urkunden und Regesten des Stiftes Monterberg-Kleve, Bd. I. Boss-Verlag, Kleve, 1989 + Urkundenbuch der Stadt Düren 748-1500, Band I. 1. Teil: Urkundentexte von 748-1400 mit 16...

Auction 13
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1517
€70,00 - €120,00
[Medieval German Kings and Emperors]

Kunst und Kultur der Karolingerzeit; Karl der Grosse und Papst Leo III. in Paderborn, Bd I. und II. Katalog der Ausstellung Paderborn 1999, Bd. III. Beiträge zum Katalog + Kaiser...

Auction 13
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1518
€60,00 - €120,00
[Monasteries and monastic orders]

Verborgen en geborgen. Het cisterciënzerinnenklooster Leeuwenhorst in de Noordwijkse regio (1261-1574), Geertruida de Moor, Verloren, Hilversum, 1994 + Acht eeuwen Minderbroeders...

Auction 13
SOLD €130,00
LOT 1519
€60,00 - €120,00
[Cities in Holland]

Leiden binnen en buiten de stadsvesten. De geschiedenis van de stedebouwkundige ontwikkeling binnen het Leidse rechtsgebied tot aan het einde van de gouden eeuw. Beschrijving +...

Auction 13
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1520
€70,00 - €120,00
[Cities in Utrecht]

Utrecht door de eeuwen heen, Dr. J.E.A.L. Struick. Het Spectrum, Utrecht, 1971 + Geschiedenis van de stad Utrecht; Een paradijs vol weelde, R.E. de Bruin (ed.), Matrijs, 2000 +...

Auction 13
SOLD €110,00
LOT 1521
€50,00 - €100,00
[Counts and States of Holland in origin and ascent]

W I Florens ... De Hollandse graaf Floris V in de samenleving van de 13e eeuw, D.E.H. de Boer (ed.), Matrijs, Utrecht, 1996 + Graven van Holland. Portretten in woord en beeld,...

Auction 13
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1522
€70,00 - €120,00
[History of Dutch cities]

Geschiedenis en rechtsontwikkeling van Elburg, P.A.N.S. van Meurs, P. Gouda Qiunt, Arnhem, 1885 + Bibliografie van de stedengeschiedenis van Nederland, G. van Herwijnen (comp.),...

Auction 13
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1523
€60,00 - €100,00
[Urbanisation in the Middle Ages]

Mitteleuropäisches Städtewesen in Mittelalter und Frühneuzeit, Wilhelm Janssen, Margret Wensky, Böhlau Verlag, Köln, 1999 + Untersuchungen zur gesellschaftlichen Struktur der mittelalterlichen...

Auction 13
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1524
€50,00 - €100,00
[Industry and applied arts]

De steenbakkerij in de Nederlanden tot omstreeks 1560, J. Hollestelle, Gijsbers, Arnhem, 1976 + Baksteenfabricage in Nederland 1850-1920, G.B. Janssen, Walburg Pers, 1987 + De...

Auction 13
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1525
€60,00 - €100,00
[German books: monasteries, art, early books, var. cities and East Frisia]

Die Welt der Zisterzienser, Terryl N. Kinder, W.B. Darmstadt, 1997 + 805: Liudger wird Bischof, Stadtmuseum Münster, 2005 + The making of the Nuremberg Chronicle, Adrian Wilson,...

Auction 13
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1526
€60,00 - €100,00
[Flemish miniatures and manuscripts]

Flemish Miniatures, Maurits Smeyers, Brepols, 1999, in protective cover + The Treasure of Petrus Alamire. Music and art in Flemish Cout manuscripts 1500-1535, Ed. Herbert Kellmann,...

Auction 13
SOLD €65,00
LOT 1527
€50,00 - €100,00
Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën

Published by the Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, Den Haag, 1946-1998, from this series 14 vols. incl. Bronnen tot de bouwgeschiedenis van den Dom te Utrecht, 2nd vol.,...

Auction 13
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1528
€50,00 - €100,00

Geschiedenis van Zwolle, Jan ten Hove, Historisch Centrum Overijssel, Zwolle, 2005 + Zwolse boeken voor een markt zonder grenzen 1477-1523, Jops M.M. Hermans, HES, 2004 + De Broerekerk...

Auction 13
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1529
€60,00 - €100,00
[Deventer, Zutphen, Nijmegen]

Het kapittel van Lebuinus in Deventer, drs. J.R.M. Magdelijns (ed.), Arko, Nieuwegein, 1996 + De Grote of Lebuinuskerk te Deventer, Walburg Pers, 1992 + De stadsrekeningen van...

Auction 13
SOLD €150,00
LOT 1530
€80,00 - €160,00
[Charter books conc. the Netherlands]

Oorkondenboek van Noord-Brabant tot 1312, Vol. I. 1 and 2, De Meijerij van 's-Hertogenbosch, Vol. II. 1 and 2. De Heerlijkheden Breda en Bergen op Zoom + Le Conseil de Brabant...

Auction 13
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1531
€50,00 - €100,00
[History German regions and cities]

Geschichte des Landes Oldenburg, Eckhardt, Schmidt, Heinz Holzberg Verlag, Oldenburg, 1987 + Gottorf im Glanz des Barock (2 vols.), S.H. Landesmuseum, Schleswig, 1997 + Glaube...

Auction 13
SOLD €75,00
LOT 1532
€50,00 - €100,00
[Frisia: history, cities]

Geschiedenis van Dokkum, Meindert Schroor, Stichting Historia Doccumensis, i.s.m. Fryske Akademy [2007] + Leeuwarden 750-2000, Rene Kunst (ed.), Van Wijnen, Franeker, 1999 + Negen...

Auction 13
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1533
€80,00 - €160,00
[Frisia: Charters, literature, church, society]

Asega, is het dingtijd? De hoogtepunten van de Oudfriese tekstoverlevering, Oebele Vries, Steven Sterk, Leeuwarden, 2007 + Snitser Recesboeken 1490-1517 + Namenregister (2 vols.),...

Auction 13
SOLD €50,00
LOT 1534
€50,00 - €100,00
[Dutch legends, chronicles, songs etc.]

Middelnederlandse Legenden en Exempelen, Dr. C.G.N. de Vooys, Bouma's Boekhuis, Groningen, 1974, Florilegium Chronicorum Neerlandicorum, J. Gessler, J.F. Niermeyer, Martinus Nijhoff,...

Auction 13
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1535
€60,00 - €120,00
[Churches, religion, church art]

Kunst aus Mittelalterlichen Frauenklöstern, Krone und Schleier, Ruhrlandmuseum, 2005 + Glaube und Wissen im Mittelalter. Die Kölner Dombibliothek, Erzbischöfliches Diözesanmuseum,...

Auction 13
SOLD €90,00
LOT 1536
€70,00 - €120,00
[Graphic art, fresco, sculpture]

Beredeneerde beschrijving van Nederlandse Historieplaten, zinneprenten en historische kaarten, reprint (4 vols. in 3 bindings in cassette) of the Amsterdam 1863-1882 edition, Nico...

Auction 13
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1537
€60,00 - €120,00
[Paleographica, miniatures and Biblioteca Vaticana]

Album Palaeographicum XVII Provinciarum, Cornelis Dekker, Brepols HES, 1992 + Schriftspiegel Nederlandse paleografische teksten van de 13de tot de 18de eeuw, P.J. Horsman, Terra,...

Auction 13
SOLD €90,00
LOT 1538
€80,00 - €160,00

Ghent. In Defence of a Rebellious City, Johan Decavele, Mercatorfonds, Antwerp, 1989 + Leven te Leuven in de late Middeleeuwen, Peeters, Leuven, 1998 + Stad in Vlaanderen. Cultuur...

Auction 13
LOT 1539
€150,00 - €300,00
[Numismatics] Histoire numismatique de Royaume de Hollande,

Sous le règne S.M. Louis-Napoléon, roi de Hollande (…). [bound together with:] Histoire numismatique de Royaume de Hollande, pendant la Réunion a l’Empire Français, ou récit détaillé...

Auction 13
LOT 1540
€60,00 - €100,00

De Nederlandse Walviscourant. Published on board m.s. "Willem Barendsz.". Maandag, 21 December 1959. 14th volume no 15. Contains the productions results, football results and news...

Auction 13
LOT 1541
€70,00 - €140,00
Gustave Doré

Guinevere. By Alfred Tennyson. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. London, Edward Moxon and Co., 1867. Folio, cloth, gilt title, title shield and spine decoration. With 10 plates by Doré....

Auction 13
LOT 1542
€60,00 - €120,00
De Groene Amsterdammer, weekblad voor Nederland: Negroe issue

Amsterdam, no. 2759, Saturday 19 April 1930. Issue dedicated to "Negroes and authors on negroes, and let the reader decide for himself what he thinks of it." 40 pp. With subjects...

Auction 13
SOLD €150,00
LOT 1543
€50,00 - €80,00
Suze Groeneweg

Letter from Suze Groenweg to Dirk, one of her students from before she accepted her membership of the Lower House. The letter is a reply to the boy who asked her to come back to...

Auction 13
LOT 1544
€125,00 - €250,00
[Scrap albums]

Two scrap albums, 19th century. Scrapbook of the Huizenga children. Haarlem, I de Haan, ca. 1870. 47 pp. Large 4to, completely filled. Half cloth. Boards worn, inside good + Scrapbook....

Auction 13
SOLD €90,00
LOT 1550
€60,00 - €120,00

Lot with 29 magazines from the '50s-'60s. Incl. Follies de Paris., no 1, ca. 1950. 16 pp., Paris Frou Frou Almanach 1956. 98 pp. stapled, 7 issues of Enquetes, 1953-1954 - and...

Auction 13
SOLD €90,00
LOT 1551
€60,00 - €120,00

Lot with 32 erotic magazines from the '60s, incl. Modern Man, Playboy, Female Mimics (cross-dressing), no. 1, 1963, Frolic et al. - and a nude photo by John Everard, 1955. 29 x 23 cm., framed.

Auction 13
LOT 1552
€75,00 - €150,00
Initialen, Alphabete und Randleisten

Carl Hrachowina. Wien, Carl Graeser, 2e Auflage, 1897. Loose-leafed edition, folio, string-bound. Complete with 56 leafs and text.

Auction 13
SOLD €130,00
LOT 1553
€50,00 - €100,00
[Erotica] Neues deutsches Kunstblatt, Die Liebe in Kunst, Witz und Dichtung

Munich etc., October 1919 (first volume), 32 p. (incl. cover), with (colour) illustrations by Hans Boht, K. Wurm etc., original cover, large 8vo.

Auction 13
SOLD €65,00
LOT 1554
€40,00 - €80,00
San Francesco d'Assisi nel Poema di Dante e negli Affreschi di Giotto

Editori Giolio Giannini e Figlio, Firenze, 1905. 24 pp. Multi-layered gold-heightened relief print, in faux vellum cover. Sev. dam. to cover, else good copy.

Auction 13
SOLD €95,00
LOT 1555
€50,00 - €80,00
[Movable books]

De Hond, zijn lichaamsbouw en zijne inwendige organen. Aanschouwelijk voorgesteld door 5 gekleurde beweegbare platen en verklarenden tekst voor Fokkers en liefhebbers van Honden....

Auction 13
LOT 1556
€100,00 - €150,00

D.S. Motor Mailschip Indrapoera. Rotterdamsche Lloyd, Rotterdam, 1928. String-bound brochure of the Lloyd, with inserted menu card. Good copy + N.V. Stoomvaartmaatschappy Nederland....

Auction 13
LOT 1557
€60,00 - €100,00
De handel

Maandblad voor Industrie, Handel en Bankwezen. Onder hoofdredactie van J.J. Hoogewerff. Second, third, fourth and sixth volume, 1908-10 and 1912. In fine red bindings with gilt...

Auction 13
SOLD €150,00
LOT 1558
€150,00 - €300,00

Le Tailleur Moderne. Hiver 1954. 17 pp., 15 of which consisting of a litho. 34 x 24.5 cm. + Smart Ladies' Styles. Winter 1951. Periodical Journal no 89. 18 pp. + Smart Ladies'...

Auction 13
SOLD €160,00
LOT 1559
€150,00 - €300,00
[Genealogy] Familieboek Servatius

Samengesteld door Mr. A.H. Servatius officier van Justitie te Zwolle. Zwolle, N.V. Drukkerij v.h. La Rivière and Voorhoeve for the Servatius family, 1942, typography by Ger Soutendijk...

Auction 13
SOLD €95,00
LOT 1560
€50,00 - €100,00
[IQ tests] Complete test material for Form L [and for] Form M

Revised Stanford-Binet Scales by Lewis M. Terman and Maud A. Merrill. Boston etc., Houghton Mifflin Company, ca. 1940 (copyright 1937), 2 uniform wooden boxes with mostly identical...

Auction 13
LOT 1561
€60,00 - €120,00

Popular Flying. The National Aviation Paper. Monthly magazine. Two bundlings of 27 issues in total: April 1937 to June 1939. Bound in half cloth. Sl. cut along top and bottom.

Auction 13
SOLD €30,00
LOT 1562
€60,00 - €120,00

Racket Serie, J.T. Swartsenburg N.V., Zeist, ca. 1948-1955. 24 of 31 vols. - and 2 second editions with divergent front covers + 5 volumes from the Atoomserie.

Auction 13
SOLD €35,00
LOT 1563
€70,00 - €140,00

Dynamietserie. Vol. 1-14 and 17. Uitgeversbedrijf Het Goede Boek, Bussum, ca. 1950 + Atoomserie, vol. 1-4 + Tempo Reeks vol. 1-13. (vol. 13 lacks back cover) - added 4 comic books by Steve Drake.

Auction 13
SOLD €30,00
LOT 1564
€60,00 - €120,00

Kabouterserie no. 1 to 6, Het Goede Boek, Bussum, 1946 + Pygmeeënserie no. 1 to 10 and 6 volumes of the Hollandsche Zak Bibliotheek.

Auction 13
SOLD €850,00
LOT 1565
€650,00 - €950,00
[Erotica] Petit Guide a l'usage des Automobilistes avertis

[anonymous] Paris, Leo Berthier, Dan Lethroud, ca. 1925. 3 string-bound oblong albums cont. 71 erotic cards consisting of pornographic scenes with a wink. Two albums with the subject...

Auction 13
SOLD €30,00
LOT 1566
€50,00 - €80,00

Jan Stavast Reeks, Van Ditmar, 1942-1944. Near-complete series, with 51 of 53 vols. (lacks vol. 1 and 4). Several in poor condition, most good.

Auction 13
LOT 1567
€70,00 - €120,00
[Russian linguistic atlas]

Dialektologicheskij Atlas Russkogo Yazyka. [Vol. I and II.] I. Phonology, II. Morphology, Moscow, 1986-89. 2 portfolios (59 x 41 cm.) in blue and green cloth resp., atlas vols....

Auction 13
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1568
€100,00 - €200,00
[Japan - Lacquer album]

Modern Japanese leporello lacquer box (harmonica-shaped), 27 x 18 cm. with 52 leafs with photos of Japanese art, sculptures, paintings, folding screens etc. Front cover in black,...

Auction 13
SOLD €380,00
LOT 1569
€100,00 - €200,00
[Erotica] Ode a Priape. Par M. Piron

Orné de vingt eaux fortes orginales. Paris, no publisher, 1927, published in 350 numbered copies (325), 98, (1) p., with 20 etched plates by A. Collot (6 full-page), loose as published...

Auction 13
SOLD €240,00
LOT 1570
€100,00 - €200,00
[Erotica] Pierre Arétin. La putain errante, Au Mont de Vénus, 1934, published in 300 numbered copies, 82, (1) p., with coloured illustrations, original cover.

Auction 13
LOT 1571
€70,00 - €140,00
[Magazines] Het ideaal der geïllustreerde bladen

Johan de Liefde, Utrecht, 1907-1911. Weekly, folio, 14 pp. each. With popular subjects such as football and theatre and a weekly serial with titles such as "The man who could not...

Auction 13
SOLD €95,00
LOT 1572
€50,00 - €100,00
[Erotica] Lowell lansing. The lewdicrous adventures of Gabrielle: a girl of gay Paris

Paris, G. & M. Derre, 1928, 87, (1) p., original cover with sealed original (?) tie, small 8vo.

Auction 13
SOLD €150,00
LOT 1573
€150,00 - €300,00
[Amsterdam ed. not in Picarta] Le carnet de Marguerite. Par Le Nismois

[= Alphonse Momas]. Amsterdam, (F. Avonstand for Auguste Brancart), 1893, 126, (1) p., original cover, small 8vo.

Auction 13
SOLD €110,00
LOT 1574
€50,00 - €100,00
[Erotica. With signed author's dedication] Louis Perceau. Les Pisseuses. Poème

Paris, Imprimé pour l'auteur, 30 May 1934, 11, (1) p., original cover (with sm. defects).

Auction 13
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1575
€70,00 - €140,00
Enkhuizer Almanak

Koningsedities 1949-1952, '55, '64, '65, '70 and '91 - and most of the almanacs from 1902. Sev. with divergent covers.

Auction 13
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1576
€100,00 - €200,00
Various promotional displays '40s-'60s

Cardboard displays of Amstel Bock Bier, Delftsche slaolie, Smith's Goudboon koffie, Ca-Va Seul Metaalglans, Fino Bouillonblokjes, Persil, Henco Was, Diamant boter, H.O., Radion,...

Auction 13
SOLD €170,00
LOT 1577
€60,00 - €120,00
[Indonesia] Het Triwindoe-Gedenkboek Mangkoe Nagoro VII

Comité Triwindoe-gedenkboek, Soerakarta, 1939. 4to., batik binding, XX, 290 pp., with more than 160 literary contributions, various drawings, photos and compositions and added:...

Auction 13
SOLD €140,00
LOT 1578
€60,00 - €120,00
Bookshaped box - "Disques"

France, ca. 1965. Bookshaped record case. Front 6 leather gilt and ribbed book spines with title shield "Disques". Size 35 x 35 x 35 cm.

Auction 13
SOLD €90,00
LOT 1579
€70,00 - €120,00
[Calendars] NS Calendar 1931 and 1932

Calendar 1931 der Nederlandsche Spoorwegen (24.5 x 16.5 cm.) in unused condition with front and back a calendar of 1931 and 1932 resp., an address list of the Nederlandsche Spoorwegen...

Auction 13
SOLD €110,00
LOT 1580
€60,00 - €90,00
[Anatomy of child and horse]

De bouw en de inwendige organen van het Kinderlijk Lichaam door beweegbare platen aanschouwelijk voorgesteld; verklarenden tekst door Dr. Mulder te 's-Gravenhage [ca. 1900]. 26.5...

Auction 13
LOT 1581
€80,00 - €160,00
[Weather] Windwaarnemingen in Nederland

gedurende de jaren 1849 en 1850, bijeenverzameld door Dr. W.F.C. Krecke, Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon, 1851 + Uitkomsten van Meteorologische Waarnemingen gedaan in 1849 en 1850 te Utrecht...

Auction 13
LOT 1582
€30,00 - €60,00

Door eenige Joodsche Letterkundigen. Onder hoofdredactie van T. Tal, Opperrabbijn van Gelderland. Rotterdam, Gebrs. Haagens, 1886, 31 issues in one binding with consecutive paging,...

Auction 13
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1583
€70,00 - €100,00
[Movable books]

Man en Vrouw. Verplaatsbare Afbeeldingen van het Menschelijk Lichaam. I De Man. Met tekst van Dr. Esta. Amsterdam, N.V. Gebr. Graauw's Uitgevers-Maatschappij. Second ed., ca. 1900....

Auction 13
SOLD €65,00
LOT 1584
€50,00 - €80,00
[Fencing] Marche des Maitres d'Armes

à l'ami Kirchhoffer. (=Alphonse Kirchhoffer 1873-1913). Pour Piano par A.d Gouwin. G. Ricori & Co, ca. 1900. Cover design Leopold Merlicovitz (1868-1944). 34 x 26 cm.

Auction 13
LOT 1585
€50,00 - €80,00
[Judaica] Schnorrer. Tango Milonga Yddisch

Octave Crémieux & Léon Rogée. Marcel Labbé, ed. Paris, ca. 1920. 4 pp. Design G.L. Manuel frères. 35 x 27 cm. - and Het lied van de Wolga. Woorden van Kees Pruis. Muziek van Louis...

Auction 13
LOT 1586
€100,00 - €200,00
Bibliographische adversaria. Vol. 1-4 and 5, no. 2-7

Den Haag, M. Nijhoff, 1873-1886, vols. 1-4 in original half cloth (soiled/stained), the incomplete 5th vol. in 3 loose parts in original cover (dam. on spines).

Auction 13
SOLD €55,00
LOT 1587
€30,00 - €60,00
[Tennis] De Trots onzer Velden

No place, publisher (Donnay) or year (ca. 1930), 22, (4) p., with 10 full-page illustrations, decorated initials and vignettes, original spiral-bound cover, 4to (lacks back cover).

Auction 13
SOLD €130,00
LOT 1588
€100,00 - €200,00
[Rare cookbook] Mijne keuken door C. Asserolette (Mevrouw E. Servie)

Gouda, G.B. van Goor Zonen, n.d. (1890), XII, 227 p., original gilt cloth, edges gilt, small 8vo.

Auction 13
SOLD €55,00
LOT 1589
€50,00 - €80,00
Im Spiegel der Tierwelt

Käthe Olshausen-Schönberger, Braun & Schneider, Munich, [1907]. 32 one-sided pages with caricatures. Bound with illus. binding + Neue Folge, dritter en vierter Band. Last two with...

Auction 13
LOT 1590
€100,00 - €200,00
[Literature] Oliver Twist; or The parish boy's progress. By "Boz." (Charles Dickens)

Paris, A. and W. Galignani and Co., 1839, (4), 367 p., later half cloth.

Auction 13
LOT 1591
€75,00 - €150,00

Death notice Wim Hartman, Han Oudwater and Geurt Bosch. "Hiermede stellen wij U in kennis dat op 8 maart 1945 op de Waalsdorpervlakte voor hun Vaderland werden gefusilleerd (..)"...

Auction 13
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1592
€80,00 - €120,00
Wereldtentoonstelling 1958

Lot with 15 Russian brochures concerning the Brussels World’s Fair, 1958. With fine cover designs.

Auction 13
LOT 1593
€75,00 - €150,00
[WWI] Posters

Tableau indiquant des corps de troupes des les villes sièges de dépots différentes armes. 116 x 76 cm. Folded on thin paper - 9 similar posters with announcements and overviews...

Auction 13
LOT 1594
€200,00 - €300,00
T. Nieuwenhuis & L. Klaver - Nederlandsche Platen

Amsterdam, S.L. van Looy, 1905. 55 lithographs in colour. Each 24 x 29.7 cm. With the accompanying book by J. Ritzema Bos, 70 pp.

Auction 13
SOLD €50,00
LOT 1595
€50,00 - €100,00
[Bookmark project]

31 of 32 bookmarks by "Margedrukkers" in cardboard holder in a black synthetic cassette on ditto stand (height 22 cm.), designed and finished by Binderij Phoenix, Amsterdam, 1987....

Auction 13
SOLD €55,00
LOT 1596
€50,00 - €100,00
[Rotterdam] Gids No. 88. October 1940. Nood-telefoongids van Rotterdam

Rotterdam, Rotterdamsche Radio-Distributie/Hoofdbestuur der P.T.T., 31 August 1940, 91, (5) p., original cover, 4to.

Auction 13
SOLD €85,00
LOT 1597
€70,00 - €140,00
[WWII] M.L.L. Bulletin van het Marx-Lenin-Luxemburg front. No. 5, 6 and 10

Ed. A. van Boxtel, A. Oosterbaan and A. de Roode, (Haarlem/Abcoude), October 1940/ January 1941, 3 stencilled vols., 7; 9; 13 p., no covers, stapled, folio.

Auction 13
LOT 1598
€50,00 - €80,00
[Scrap album plates]

Lot with 20 French 19th century plates from which to cut and paste scrap album figures. Incl. Jeux de l'enfance, animal figures and Caricatures.

Auction 13
LOT 1599
€70,00 - €120,00

Calendar houthandel C. Hoogendijk & Zoon, Zwammerdam, 1953 + Houthandel Rot, Westzaan, 1886-1946. 104 pp. + K. & J. Wilkens, 1823-1948 + 16 other publications concerning woodwork.


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