Four works in 3 volumes: (1) Guldene annotatien van Franciscus Heerman,
vertoonende de heerlijckste deuchden, daden, leeringe, ende sententien, van de alderdoorluchste, ende vermaerste mannen der weerelt (...). Den sesten druck. Leeuwarden, G. Sybes, 1642, (32),498,(22) p., with engraved title by J. van Meurs and engraved portrait of the author by W. de Geest after J. Suyderhoef, contemporary overlapping vellum, 4to.
Library stamps on half title, partly waterstained and several minor other defects on inside and outside. Good copy, with in various places at beginning and end the handwritten owner's mark of J.F. Haegeman (De Mont), Nineve 1818. The rare 4to edition of one of the most reprinted works from the 17th century, here in the printing generally considered the best. The first printing appeared in 1634; (2) Toonneel der gedenkwaardigste wonderen, geschiedenissen en vreemdigheeden. Uyt de Heer Bosteau en anderen in beknopt Duyts gestelt, door Jan van Duisberg. Amsterdam, Uyt de Boekwinkel van Jan van Duisberg, 1657, (4),348,(15) p., contemporary vellum (stained), 12mo. Lacks frontispiece, another leaf from the preliminary pages bound in the wrong place; waterstained. Bound with (3) another work (lacks title page); (4) With one more: a very poor copy of the 1676 edition of the first work (total 4 works in 3 volumes).