
1900-1943 World War II: Lots 1900 - 1943

Auction 18
SOLD €260,00
LOT 1900
€100,00 - €200,00
3 posters Luchtbescherming Kurt Schwitters

2 posters Schwitters: Luchtalarm, Luchtgevaar, Weest op uw hoede, zoekt dekking + Licht lokt luchtgevaar. Verduister goed 't spaart goed en bloed + Een bom ontploft. Scherven brengen...

Auction 18
LOT 1901
€100,00 - €200,00
Verslag betreffende de leiding der Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten

en van de daaraan voorafgegane coördinatie van het gewapend verzet in bezet Nederland (Tijdperk Juni 1944-mei 1945). A4-stencilled typoscript in binder and green/ white paper wrapper....

Auction 18
SOLD €120,00
LOT 1902
€50,00 - €80,00
Telex message liberation Benito Mussolini 1943

Official telex message liberation of Mussolini on 12 September 1943.

Auction 18
SOLD €440,00
LOT 1903
€100,00 - €200,00
Lot with ca. 90 highly diverse items,

mostly with emphasis on visual elements, incl. photos (25), picture postcards (22x, incl. series), postage stamps, books (11x), pamphlets against the Allies, flyers with the V-campaign,...

Auction 18
SOLD €220,00
LOT 1904
€70,00 - €140,00
Lot with ca. 95 items,

mostly consisting of demoralising, caricatural German pamphlets against the Allies in English, German and Dutch, but also including heartening German pamphlets for the German population/...

Auction 18
SOLD €320,00
LOT 1905
€125,00 - €250,00
[Poster] Vijanden van ons Volk

Clandestiene slachters, prijsopdrijvers, hamsteraars zijn vijanden .... misdadigers. ... Weg met hen! ... Een voor allen, allen voor een. Zij moeten en zullen verdwijnen. Published...

Auction 18
SOLD €110,00
LOT 1906
€80,00 - €150,00
[Poster] Het recht op een blijden levensavond

... in het Nieuwe socialistische Nederland. Hars, Dept. v. Volksvoorlichting en kunsten no. 28, K1300, ca. 1943. 80 x 60 cm.

Auction 18
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1907
€50,00 - €80,00
Militair gezag, de schakel tusschen de Geallieerden en Nederland

James Haworth & Brother ltd, London, 1944/45, published by N.G. no E.2. 49 x 75 cm. Good copy.

Auction 18
LOT 1908
€150,00 - €250,00
[Nazism] Christmas balls & tree top decoration

Set with 5 original glass Christmas balls and tree top decoration with Swastika, Germany, '30s/'40s. Diameter balls each 4 cm. In good condition.

Auction 18
LOT 1909
€200,00 - €400,00
[Nazism] Christmas balls & tree top decoration

Complete set of 6 original glass Christmas balls and tree top decoration with Swastika, Germany, '30s/'40s. Diameter balls each 5.5 cm. In good condition.

Auction 18
LOT 1910
€250,00 - €450,00
[Nazism] Christmas balls & tree top decoration

Complete set of 6 original glass Christmas balls and tree top decoration with Swastika and eagle, Germany, '30s/'40s. Diameter balls each 6 cm. In good condition.

Auction 18
LOT 1911
€250,00 - €450,00
[Nazism] Christmas balls & tree top decoration

Complete set of 6 original glass Christmas balls and tree top decoration with SS-symbol, Germany, '30s/'40s. Diameter balls each 6 cm. In good condition.

Auction 18
LOT 1912
€70,00 - €120,00
Winterhulp Nederland

Bloemencollectie 20-21 maart ECVO, plakat no. 60, ca. 1943. 115 x 84 cm.

Auction 18
LOT 1913
€70,00 - €120,00
[Suriname/ WWII] Eens met bloed en zweet verworven voor ons volk

Nu verraden en verkwanseld geen waarachtig Nederlander zal deze schanddaad aanvaarden..., ca. 1941. Politieke propagandaplaat nr. 48. 115 x 85 cm. Good copy.

Auction 18
SOLD €90,00
LOT 1914
€70,00 - €120,00
[Poster] 17-18 oct. Straatcollecte Winterhulp Nederland

Öffentliche Ausstellung genehmigt durch die Dienststelle des Reichskommissars, 1941. 106 x 77 cm. Folded, else good with strong colours.

Auction 18
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1915
€70,00 - €120,00
[Poster] Winterhulp

2-3 mei bloemencollecte. Winterhulp Nederland. Jan Lavies, ca. 1941. 120 x 88 cm. Folded, else good copy.

Auction 18
LOT 1916
€70,00 - €120,00
[Poster] Winterhulp Nederland

Van Dyck. Klopt ook aan uw deur voor behoeftige landgenooten. Lijst collecte van 17-23 maart, 1941. Printed by Kühn & Zoon, Rotterdam. 115 x 82.5 cm. Folded, else good.

Auction 18
LOT 1917
€70,00 - €120,00
[Poster] Winterhulp Nederland

14-15 februari Straatcollecte. Winterhulp Nederland Brengt Zonneschijn. Joop Geesink, 1941. 109 x 78 cm. Folded, else good copy.

Auction 18
LOT 1918
€80,00 - €150,00
[Poster] Winterhulp Nederland

Winterhulp Nederland. Voor het volk, door het volk. Geen Gunst maar Eereplicht. Offset print J. van Boekhoven, Utrecht, 1940. 120 x 86 cm. + another Winterhulp poster, also from 1940.

Auction 18
LOT 1919
€60,00 - €100,00
[Poster] Winterhulp Nederland

Collecte 29 en 30 november. Brengt licht in 't leven uwer landgenooten. J. van Boekhoven, Utrecht, ca. 1940. 119 x 88 cm. Folded, else good copy.

Auction 18
SOLD €380,00
LOT 1920
€125,00 - €250,00
[Poster] Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Führer

Offset, after Heinrich Knirr. 118 x 84 cm. C. Werner Reichenbach, ca. 1937. Several neat repairs on reverse. In good condition.

Auction 18
SOLD €370,00
LOT 1921
€80,00 - €150,00
[Posters] Storm Weekblad der Nederlandsche SS

Doelbewust - Strijdvaardig (...) bij alle kiosken 11 cent. Textual poster, 116 x 85 cm. and a smaller text post for the same magazine, 80 x 55 cm. Both folded - and Max Blokzijl...

Auction 18
SOLD €300,00
LOT 1922
€75,00 - €150,00
[Poster] Steunt als goede Nederlanders Mussert in zijn strijd

Juist nu. Propaganda poster 1942 + De leider van het Nederlandsche Volk (image Mussert), 1943 - and NSB ontsluit een betere toekomst, 1943. All ca. 58 x 40 cm. In good condition.

Auction 18
SOLD €900,00
LOT 1923
€400,00 - €800,00
[Dutch SS etc.] Collection of ca. 85 original documents,

nearly all regarding the efforts of Dutchmen for Germany during the Second World War, mostly stencilled or typed (duplicates and carbon copies) on A4-size, all carefully preserved in plastic files.

Auction 18
SOLD €500,00
LOT 1924
€300,00 - €600,00
De Zwarte Soldaat

De Zwarte Soldaat. Strijdblad van de W.A. der N.S.B. 23 issues of this periodical including the last no. from the 5th year, 'Nood-uitgave' 3 May 1945.

Auction 18
SOLD €200,00
LOT 1925
€150,00 - €300,00
De Stormvlag

31 nos. of De Stormvlag. Strijdblad van den Nationalen Jeugdstorm. Between 1st year no. 4 and 3rd year no. 39.

Auction 18
SOLD €600,00
LOT 1926
€300,00 - €600,00
Das Schwarze Korps

Zeitung der Schutzstaffeln der NSDAP. Organ der Reichsführung SS, 1940-1944. Altogether 51 nos. of this newspaper for the black corps.

Auction 18
LOT 1928
€80,00 - €150,00
Knickerbocker Weekly

Free Netherlands. Periodical printed in New York. Managing editors Albert Balink and Jay Bradley. Chairman of advisory editorial board Hendrik Willem van Loon, with contributions...

Auction 18
LOT 1929
€45,00 - €70,00
Reichsbund: Die Berliner Kriegs-und Arbeitsopfer jetzt unter einem zeichen mit uns vereint

Reichsbund der Kriegs-u. Zivilbeschädigten Sozialrentner u. Hinterbliebenen. Körber & Blanck, Hamburg, ca 1950. Folded, good copy. 59 x 42 cm.

Auction 18
LOT 1930
€70,00 - €120,00
[N.S.B.] Pamphlets, ephemera

4 pamphlets, published by H. Kessemeier, Hamburg, ca. 1942. Each 2 pp. + Eerbied voor den Arbeid. N.S.B. pamphlet + 4 blank leaves with letterhead "Der Reichskommissar für die...

Auction 18
SOLD €340,00
LOT 1931
€100,00 - €200,00
Archive consisting of several hundreds of items,

ca. 1930-1950, mostly consisting of items related to the Second World War, incl. a photo book, an envelope with photos of the city of Groningen, newspapers, pamphlets, a pack of...

Auction 18
LOT 1932
€100,00 - €200,00

mostly rare printed ephemera from the war years, such as government flyers with instructions, registration cards, announcements, coupons, typed or stencilled letters, social-security...

Auction 18
SOLD €750,00
LOT 1933
€150,00 - €300,00
[Dutch fascism/ collaboration/ post-war purge] Archive of more than 100 items,

mostly (rare to very rare) printed ephemera from the 1930s, the war years or shortly after, incl. circulars, announcements, invitations, reply cards, flyers, booklets, stencilled...

Auction 18
SOLD €700,00
LOT 1934
€100,00 - €200,00
[Nazi periodicals (Gleichschaltung)] Lot with ca. 115 items,

mostly issues of periodicals subject to Nazification from the war years, incl. some related printing and several pieces of correspondence.

Auction 18
LOT 1935
€60,00 - €120,00
"Service Album Fort Lewis U.S. Army".

Photo album with 150 pasted photos, ca. 1945, mostly 9 x 12.5 cm. (upright or horizontal), bound with leather cord between leather front cover and cardboard back cover, 20,5 x 29 cm.

Auction 18
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1936
€100,00 - €200,00
[WW II] Feldpost

Circa 160 "Feldpostkarte" and "Feldpostbriefen", envelopes and picture postcards, 1939-1944. Inserted in two binders.

Auction 18
SOLD €850,00
LOT 1937
€70,00 - €140,00
[Uniforms and accessories] Three items: (1) M42 iron helmet with sharp edge,

Germany, WW II, with at left temple emblem with German eagle and swastika, leather interior on metal grip still anchored to helmet and strap preserved.

Auction 18
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1938
€70,00 - €140,00
[Uniforms and accessories] Six pieces of headgear,

(1) Mark V English helmet, (2) English helmet painted white with "MP" in red (probably civilian); (3) M1 American helmet second model, Korea (fixed strap and leather interior padding...

Auction 18
SOLD €290,00
LOT 1939
€250,00 - €500,00
[Family archive] Art collector Arnold van Buuren and Juliëtte van Buuren-Polak,

both died at Sobibor, 23 April 1943. Archive consisting of 18 pieces of documentation in modern binder, incl. an impressive list with paintings of great masters such as Lippi (2x),...

Auction 18
LOT 1940
€80,00 - €130,00
Einige Wahreiten ueber Kaukasus

Dr. S. Araratian. Bukarest, 1941. 31 pp. with handcoloured folding map at the end + Ein Kampf um Deutschland. 32 pp., ca. 1932. Stapled, frayed on right side. Design front plate...

Auction 18
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1941
€60,00 - €90,00
[N.S.B. etc.]

De Nederlandse Oostkolonisatie. Dr. Joh. Theunisz, Uitg. Hamer, 1943 + Matthias Pförtner. Mijn Russische zwerftocht, Hamer, 1943 + 2 copies of Ick Dien. Het boek van den Arbeidsdienst...

Auction 18
SOLD €240,00
LOT 1942
€80,00 - €150,00
[N.S.B. etc.] Lot with 55 various publications,

incl. De Boekenschouw van het Nieuwe Europa, onder red. van Maarten Ropine 1st year 1942 no. 1-3 + Het Geheim van Duitschland's Overwinningen, Dr. Däniker + Uw Plaats is in den...

Auction 18
SOLD €220,00
LOT 1943
€125,00 - €250,00

Lot with 31 N.S.D.A.P. publications in the run-up to WWII, several carefully restored, all in good condition. Incl. Adolf Hitler, der deutsche Arbeiter und frontsoldat, Verlag...


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